HTML/Ballot/Trusting version 0.01 ================================= A simple module for inseucre web ballots. This is a very beta version that will mature over the next week or so. Please let me know how it breaks. Features: * a HTML page of voting options and one of the results of votes so far is generated from a single HTML template, and it is in these pages that ballot status is maintained, so no additional file access is required. This may be extended to include a ballot `time out'. * HTML output into the template is minimal, but all unique entities are given a "class" attribute for easy CSS re-definitions. * simple bar charts of results are generated using HTML. Options to have graphs based on single-pixels, or using the "GD" interface will arrive some time in the future. * no test is made of who is voting, so users may vote any number of times, or may even vote (and surely will) thousands of times using a "LWP" hack. A more secure version is being constructed, which uses simple e-mail authentication of users, sending ony one voting password to any e-mail address: this may appear as "HTML::Ballot::MoreCynical". INSTALLATION To install this module, do the usual: perl Makefile.PL make - nmake on Win32 make test - etc make install Then please read the POD. DEPENDENCIES As well as the pragmas 'strict' and 'warnings', this module requires, HTML::EasyTemplate version 0.985 or higher, HTML::Entities. AUTHOR Lee Goddard - COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This module and all associated code is Copyright (C) Lee Goddard 2001. All rights reserved. This is free software and may be used under the same terms as Perl itself with the added condition that it not be used in a commercial setting, to make money, either directly or indirectly, without the advanced and explicit prior signed permission of the author.