NAME The Apache::Cookie module - An OO interface to cookies based on CGI::Cookie, for use in mod_perl Apache modules. SYNOPSIS use Apache::Cookie; $r = Apache->request; # Object oriented $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r); $cookie->set(-name => 'cookie', -value => 'monster'); $value = $cookie->get('cookie'); # Package oriented Apache::Cookie->set(-name => 'cookie', -value => 'monster'); Apache::Cookie->get('cookie'); DESCRIPTION Grinding my teeth, browsing over Apache::AuthCookie I figure there has to be a nice worry-free way of using cookies within apache modules. There wasn't. So I decided to sit down and figure it out. Apache::Cookie is the result. CONSTRUCTOR Apache::Cookie->new([ $r ]) Construct a new Apache::Cookie object. You don't really have to, but if your zealous $r is an Apache request object. If your just looking to manipulate cookies in this request the Package oriented model will do you just fine. set( %OPTIONS ) Set a cookie on the client. We take your options and grind them through a CGI::Cookie constructor, stringify the cookie and send it over to our client's cookie jar (by Set-Cookie header). Say... Apache::Cookie->set(-name => 'foo', -value => 'bar', -expires => '+3M', -domain => '', -path => '/cgi-bin/database' -secure => 1 ); For further info, take a look at the CGI::Cookie documentation. BTW, the undocumented Apache $r->cgi_header_out is used to set headers, very useful, but might be deprecated in the future. get( [$COOKIE_NAME] ) Dip into the client's transmitted cookie jar. What you get depends on what you call this method with. Apache::Cookie->get() Poof! you just won a hash of cookies, with array reference values. You always get back array references, this is uncomfortable but at least consistent with what CGI::Cookie- >parse returns. Apache::Cookie->get($COOKIE_NAME) If $COOKIE_NAME was set by the client, you get back the value. If your expecting a scalar, your going to get one. If your expecting an array, likewise. Expect an array when the Cookie value is a scalar and you'll get a single item array. Expect a scalar when the Cookie value is an array and you'll get the first array value. SEE ALSO the CGI::Cookie manpage, the CGI manpage AUTHOR Liraz Siri , Ariel, Israel. Copyrights 1999 (c) All rights reserved.