NAME WebService::GoogleAPI::Client - Google API Services Client. VERSION version 0.10 SYNOPSIS Access Google API Services Version 1 using an OAUTH2 User Agent ## use goauth CLI helper to create the OATH credentials file ( see perldoc goauth ) use WebService::GoogleAPI::Client; use Data::Dumper; my $gapi = WebService::GoogleAPI::Client->new(debug => 0); # my $gapi = WebService::GoogleAPI::Client->new(access_token => ''); my $user = ''; # full gmail or G-Suite email $gapi->auth_storage->setup({type => 'jsonfile', path => './gapi.json' }); # by default $gapi->user($user); ## allows to select user configuration by google auth'd email address $gapi->do_autorefresh(1); ## refresh auth token with refresh token if auth session has expired OAUTH CREDENTIALS FILE TO ACCESS SERVCICES While I personally find the goauth tool useful to create local auth credentials and can work with the code, you may find it more useful to do it all yourself using an approach like at mplicity/ This code still retains a lot of the bad smells of the parents. api_query query Google API with option to validate request before submitting handles user auth token inclusion in request headers and refreshes token if required and possible Required params: method, route Optional params: api_endpoint_id $self->access_token must be valid Examples of usage: $gapi->api_query({ method => 'get', path => '', }); $gapi->api_query({ method => 'post', path => ''.$calendar_id.'/events', options => { key => value } } ## if provide the Google API Endpoint to inform pre-query validation say $gapi_agent->api_query( api_endpoint_id => 'gmail.users.messages.send', options => { raw => encode_base64( Email::Simple->create( header => [To => $user, From => $user, Subject =>"Test email from $user",], body => "This is the body of email from $user to $user", )->as_string ), }, )->to_string; ## print $gapi_agent->api_query( api_endpoint_id => 'gmail.users.messages.list', ## auto sets method to GET, path to '' )->to_string; #print Dumper $r; NB: including the version in the API Endpoint Spec is not supported .. yet? eg gmail:v1.users.messages.list .. will always use the latest stable version if the pre-query validation fails then a 418 - I'm a Teapot error response is returned with the body containing the specific description of the errors ( Tea Leaves ;^) ). Returns Mojo::Message::Response object has_scope_to_access_api_endpoint Given an API Endpoint such as 'gmail.users.settings.sendAs.get' returns 1 iff user has scope to access Returns 0 if scope to access is not available to the user. warns and returns 0 on error ( eg user or config not specified etc ) methods_available_for_google_api_id Returns a hashref keyed on the Google service API Endpoint in dotted format. The hashed content contains a structure representing the corresponding discovery specification for that method ( API Endpoint ) methods_available_for_google_api_id('gmail.users.settings.delegates.get') TODO: consider ? refactor to allow parameters either as a single api id such as 'gmail' as well as the currently accepted hash keyed on the api and version DELEGATED FROM WebService::GoogleAPI::Client::Discovery SEE ALSO: The following methods are delegated through to Client::Discovery - see perldoc WebService::Client::Discovery for detils get_method_meta discover_all extract_method_discovery_detail_from_api_spec get_api_discovery_for_api_id list_of_available_google_api_ids Returns an array list of all the available API's described in the API Discovery Resource that is either fetched or cached in CHI locally for 30 days. DELEGATED FROM WebService::GoogleAPI::Client::Discovery FUNCTIONAL CLASS PROPERTIES ua Is a WebService::GoogleAPI::Client::UserAgent DELEGATE METHOD METHODS DELEGATED TO PROPERTY CLASS INSTANCES access_token ua handles: access_token auth_storage do_autorefresh get_scopes_as_array user discovery handles: discover_all extract_method_discovery_detail_from_api_spec get_api_discovery_for_api_id get_method_meta KEY FEATURES Aim is to streamline endpoint access without forcing an additional opinionated abstraction layer that imposes unecessary congnitive load. Users of the module should be able to access all Google Services and either use helper features or fully construct requests in a way that is as portable to alternative approaches as possible. API Discovery with local caching using CHI File OAUTH app credentials (client_id, client_secret, scope, users access_token and refresh_tokens) stored in local file (default name = gapi.json) access_token refreshes when expires (if user has refresh_token) saving refreshed token back to json file helper api_query to streamline request composition without preventing manual construction if preferred. CLI tool (goauth) with lightweight http server to simplify OAuth2 configuration, sccoping, authorization and obtaining access_ and refresh_ tokensn from users TODO: Refactor AuthStorage and Credentials modules - include capability to handle service accounts credentials which are not currently supported. See standardise terminology in documentation and code include POD for delegated methods basic CLI to query API Discovery data ( Potentially with OPEN/Swagger Output option ) potenitlaly evolving to something similar to gcloud SEE ALSO * "/" in Google Cloud Client Libraries https: * "/" in Google Cloud Blog https: * Moo::Google - The original code base later forked into WebService::Google by Steve Dondley. This is where this code started believing that I could clean it up. In hindisght it would have been much easier to start from scratch. * "/" in Google Swagger API https: * OAuth2::Client::Google - Perl 6 OAuth2 Client AUTHOR Peter Scott COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2017-2018 by Pavel Serikov, Peter Scott and others. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004