WWW-Selenium-Utils ================== This package contains useful helper libraries and scripts for testing websites using Selenium. http://selenium.thoughtworks.com The selenium-regen script can be used to automatically convert test scripts written in a simple wiki-like table markup into the html tables that Selenium expects. Sample .wiki file: Test Title | open | /foo | | verifyLocation | /foo | | verifyTextPresent | id=name | Luke | # comments are allowed # so are blank lines | clickAndWait | id=main_btn | This package contains two modules: WWW::Selenium::Utils generate_suite() - converts wiki files, creates TestSuite.html WWW::Selenium::Utils::CGI run() - runs a command, returns the output cat() - dump the contents of a file state() - query and store simple key/value pairs to keep state You will need to wrap these functions in CGI or mod_perl handlers. Example scripts can be found in the scripts/ directory. And some example scripts: script/postResults.cgi - writes a Selenium result post to disk INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES None. THANKS TO Mark Stosberg for early feedback. Tom Milne for inspiration for state(). COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) 2005 Luke Closs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.