Tie::Watch 0.91 - 96/06/11 Tentative watchpoint package, whose name I swiped from Tim Bunce, who says this: *************************************************************************** > From: "Stephen O. Lidie" > > I've finally learned my lesson - I'll check out the modules list before > I start writing the code. I have a Trace module, mainly for Perl/Tk, but > Tk isn't required. I changed to name to WatchVar, and then saw that Tim > was working on Quick and Watch. As an 'i'dea I had _years_ ago and I've done nothing with. > Now if Tie::Watch is all that's required, my current code is essentially > in Release format. But you'll have to explain what Tie::Quick was to > do. Sounds like Tie::Watch would inherit from Tie::Quick, and if that's > the case I'll need some more time... > > How should I proceed? I'll explain my idea, you can take it (all) from there: The basic idea was to avoid the need to write a package for the sake of a single specialised tie. tie $var, 'Tie::Quick', STORE => sub { ...code... }, FETCH => '...code...'; Tie::Quick would construct a package dynamically and would arrange for it to inherit from the correct Tie::* base class (Tie::StdHash etc). Tie::Watch would use Tie::Quick but would automatically call $obj->SUPER::STORE and SUPER::FETCH before calling your code (if any was supplied). If none was supplied then the default would be to print a message with a stack trace whenever the STORE or FETCH was called. So, tie $var, Tie::Watch; would be sufficient to trigger a useful watchpoint on that variable. *************************************************************************** Please: . Is Tie::Watch a proper name? . Is this module functionally equivalent to Tie::Quick and Tie::Watch? Thanks, Steve