# NAME Enbld - Build your development environment by perl-based DSL. # SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use warnings; use utf8; use lib "$ENV{HOME}/.enbld/extlib/lib/perl5/"; use Enbld; enbld 'myenv' => build { # install latest version target 'git' => define { version 'latest'; }; # install specific version target 'tmux' => define { version '1.8'; }; # install software and set configuration file target 'vim' => define { version 'latest'; }; conf '.vimrc' => load { from 'https://raw.github.com/magnolia-k/vimrc/master/.vimrc'; }; }; # DESCRIPTION **Enbld is a tool for building development environment.** Write installation conditions (a version - latest or specific version number, the execution of a test code, configuration file etc.) of target software in perl-based DSL,then download of a source code, building, and installation will be performed altogether automatically. If DSL is performed once again when the software of a later more high version is released, the latest version will be installed automatically. ## FEATURES - Configuration file which described installation conditions is defined by perl-based DSL. Once it writes a configuration file, same environment is easily reproducible . - Arbitrary versions are installable. If it is specified as 'latest', the latest version will be judged automatically and it will be installed. The version will be installed if arbitrary versions are specified. Like other package management systems (Homebrew, MacPorts etc.), the package managerial system side does not specify a version. - It can be confirmed whether a version higher than the version installed is released. The software (vim, git, etc.) upgraded frequently can also always use the latest version. - All software is installed in a home directory. Software which became unnecessary can be deleted easily. ### Supported software Now, Enbld supports for installation below software. apache http://httpd.apache.org apr http://apr.apache.org aprutil http://apr.apache.org autoconf http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/ automake http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/ cmake http://www.cmake.org emacs http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ git http://git-scm.com groff http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/ hello http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/ libevent http://libevent.org libidn http://www.gnu.org/software/libidn/ libtool http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/ mysql http://www.mysql.com nginx http://nginx.org nodejs http://nodejs.org pcre http://www.pcre.org perl http://www.perl.org pkgconfig http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ python http://www.python.org rakudostar http://rakudo.org ruby https://www.ruby-lang.org scala http://www.cmake.org tmux http://tmux.sourceforge.net tree http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/ vim http://www.vim.org wget http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/ zsh http://www.zsh.org ## ANTI-FEATURES - Enbld does NOT aim at perfect package management software. The selection plan of the software to support by Enbld is as follows. - Software required for a developer updated frequently (e.g. git, vim). - Software with which the developer who has participated in the project needs to unite a version (e.g. web server, database, programming language etc.). - Software required for a developer although not installed in Mac OS X (e.g. tmux). - It does not have a function which overlaps with the module controlling function which each software has (e.g. CPAN,gem etc.). ## SUPPORTED PLATFORMS Enbld is performing verification of running on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Probably, it may operate also on Linux (Debian etc.). When not running, it is waiting for the report :) ## CAUTION **Success of building of all the versions is not guaranteed. Since log file is displayed when building goes wrong, please analyze and send report:)** # INSTALLATION - Install by Enbld installer (Download tarball from CPAN). $ curl -L http://goo.gl/MrbDDB | perl or - Install from tarball. Download and unpack tarball (Download tarball from CPAN or GitHub). $ tar xvf Enbld-x.xxxx.tar.gz $ cd Enbld-x.xxxx $ ./setup Enbld installs all the components in a $HOME/.enbld directory.Therefore, it is necessary to set the path of the software which Enbld installed. Set Enbld's path. In .bashrc, write below setting. export $PATH=$HOME/.enbld/bin:$HOME/.enbld/extlib/bin:$PATH export MANPATH=$HOME/.enbld/share/man:$HOME/.enbld/man:$MANPATH # GETTING STARTED ## INSTALL LATEST VERSION ### Ready configuration file $ cat samples/git_install.plx #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use warnings; use utf8; use lib "$ENV{HOME}/.enbld/extlib/lib/perl5/"; use Enbld; enbld 'myenv' => build { target 'git' => define { version 'latest'; }; } ### Execute configuration file $ ./samples/git_install.plx ### Target software is installed $ git --version git version [latest version] ### Upgrade installed software Then, if the software of a latest version is released, please execute a configuration file again. The software of the latest version will be installed. $ ./samples/git_install.plx Latest software is installed. ## INSTALL SPECIFIC VERSION A specific version is specified in setting file. -> version '5.18.1'; $ cat samples/specific_version_install.plx #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use warnings; use utf8; use lib "$ENV{HOME}/.enbld/extlib/lib/perl5/"; use Enbld; enbld 'myenv' => build { target 'perl' => define { version '5.18.1'; }; }; 'perl 5.18.1' is installed. $ perl -v This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 1 (v5.18.1) built for darwin-multi-2level ## DOWNLOAD OR CREATE SOFTWARE' CONFIGURATION FILE (DOTFILE) Enbld also can create software' configuration file(.dotfile). 'conf' function set software' configuration file to home directory. ### Download software' configuration file $ cat samples/vim_install.plx #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use warnings; use utf8; use lib "$ENV{HOME}/.enbld/extlib/lib/perl5/"; use Enbld; enbld 'myenv' => build { target 'vim' => define { version 'latest'; }; conf '.vimrc' => load { from 'https://raw.github.com/magnolia-k/vimrc/master/.vimrc'; }; }; '.vimrc' is downloaded to $HOME from 'https://raw.github.com/magnolia-k/vimrc/master/.vimrc'. Nothing is done when the file of the same file name already exists. ### Create software' configuration file conf '.vimrc' => set { content 'syntax on'; content 'set cindent'; }; '.vimrc' is created to $HOME. Nothing is done when the file of the same file name already exists. ## MAKE TEST AT INSTALLATION Enbld can make test at installation. target 'git' => define { version 'latest'; make_test 1; }; As default, this function is OFF. If a test goes wrong, also building will go wrong. ## ADD ARGUMENTS 'arguments' method adds additional arguments to './configure'. target 'perl' => define { version '5.18.1'; arguments '-Dusethreads'; }; perl 5.18.1 with thread $ perl -v This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 1 (v5.18.1) built for darwin-thread-multi-2level ## UTILITY COMMAND 'enblder' Enbld installs utility command 'enblder'. ### Displays available software Subcommand 'available' displays software that can install by Enbld. $ enblder available ### Displays installed software Subcommand 'list' displays software that is installed. $ enblder list ### Displays configuration file Subcommand 'freeze' displays configuration file that is condition of installed software. $ enblder freeze ### Displays outdated software Subcommand 'outdated' displays outdated software list. $ enblder outdated ### Upgrade outdated software Subcommand 'upgrade' upgrade outdated software. $ enblder upgrade git # SEE ALSO - lib/Enbld::Tutorial - bin/enblder # COPYRIGHT copyright 2013- Magnolia . # LICENSE This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.