# NAME JSON::ize - Use JSON easily in one-liners # SYNOPSIS $ perl -MJSON::ize -le '$j=jsonize("my.json"); print $j->{thingy};' $ perl -MJSON::ize -le 'J("my.json"); print J->{thingy};' # short $ cat my.json | perl -MJSON::ize -lne 'parsej; END{ print J->{thingy}}' # another way $ perl -MJSON::ize -le '$j="{\"this\":\"also\",\"works\":[1,2,3]}"; print jsonize($j)->{"this"};' # also $ perl -MJSON::ize -e 'pretty_json(); $j=jsonize("ugly.json"); print jsonize($j);' # pretty! $ cat t/sample/good.json | \ perl -MJSON::ize -lne 'parsej;' -e 'END{ print J->{good} }' # DESCRIPTION JSON::ize exports a function, `jsonize()`, that will do what you mean with the argument. If argument is a filename, it will try to read the file and decode it as JSON. If argument is a string that looks like JSON, it will try to encode it. If argument is a Perl hashref or arrayref, it will try to encode it. The underlying [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) object is $JSON::ize::JOBJ # METHODS - jsonize($j), jsonise($j), J($j) Try to DWYM. If called without argument, return the last value returned. Use this to retrieve after ["parsej"](#parsej). - parsej Parse a piped-in stream of json. Use jsonize() (without arg) to retrieve the object. (Uses ["incr\_parse" in JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON#incr_parse).) - pretty\_json() Output pretty (indented) json. - ugly\_json() Output json with no extra whitespace. # SEE ALSO [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON), [JSON::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::XS). # AUTHOR Mark A. Jensen CPAN: MAJENSEN mark -dot- jensen -at- nih -dot- gov