I have done a lot of work on POOF since I started working for degrees.com, but under the scope of my employment. I have to get things in a better state and lobby them to release it to open source; otherwise I have to go back to 0.03 and start over if I ever quit. Since they're still paying me, and I'm otherwise broke, I probably won't quit. ;-) Current features include massive improvements to the Data Shepherd, ability to define and select across one-to-one and one-to-many relationships in single SQL queries that are constructed from simple parameters, and integration with Apache custom handlers using a session table based on XML::Dumper. It's pretty fun. I wish I could share, but I don't want to get sued before I convince someone that in fact Object::POOF is a generic framework and wouldn't compromise any of our business logic. This has been a tremendous experience. I'm considerably lucky that I had the leeway to implement the entire system any way I wanted to. Mark Hedges hedges *at> ucsd.edu 20050526