=== README for Math-Polygon version 1.02 = Generated on Sun Sep 18 00:15:06 2011 by OODoc 2.00 There are various ways to install this module: (1) if you have a command-line, you can do: perl -MCPAN -e 'install ' (2) if you use Windows, have a look at http://ppm.activestate.com/ (3) if you have downloaded this module manually (as root/administrator) gzip -d Math-Polygon-1.02.tar.gz tar -xf Math-Polygon-1.02.tar cd Math-Polygon-1.02 perl Makefile.PL make # optional make test # optional make install For usage, see the included manual-pages or http://search.cpan.org/dist/Math-Polygon-1.02/ Please report problems to http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Math-Polygon