==== XML::Compile README.todo = initial prefix problem: An implementational problem: when a prefix is chosen, it is not decided by the XML::LibXML library, but by XML::Compile. An xyz:tag is chosen, and xmlns:xyz is added later. The causes the problem that the node's localname will be "xyz:tag" until the node is stringified... which is incorrect. = tests - Missing: test and in various combinations with blocks, and substitutionGroups. Many examples in practice seem to show that it works as it should. - the implementation of most basic types should have regression tests, = known limitations - nillable support for mixed elements - typemaps on basic types - errors on types should show dynamic nested location in structure, not path in schema. - the "assertions" facet = wishlist - handle XML::LibXML::Error objects - useSchema() relation to ::Cache::declare()? - proposed new schema features: . alternative http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-xml11pt2/#N103D7 . ::Instance cannot handle element and attribute declaration attribute "targetNamespace" (proposed schema feature) - namespace blocking option for templates; exclude deprecated elements - when you use appendChild i.s.o. addChild, the namespace declarators are managed automatically correct, saving a wrapper in the writer and avoiding the prefix trick. [Roman Daniel]. Nicer, but would affect the whole code and most tests. - reader replace hook "XML_SIMPLE"