NAME CatalystX::I18N - Catalyst internationalisation (I18N) framework SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Catalyst; use strict; use warnings; use Catalyst qw/ +CatalystX::I18N::Role::Base +CatalystX::I18N::Role::GetLocale +CatalystX::I18N::Role::DateTime +CatalystX::I18N::Role::Maketext /; # Choose only the roles you need # Optionally also load request and response roles use CatalystX::RoleApplicator; __PACKAGE__->apply_request_class_roles(qw/CatalystX::I18N::TraitFor::Request/); __PACKAGE__->apply_response_class_roles(qw/CatalystX::I18N::TraitFor::Response/); # Add some I18N configuration __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'MyApp', I18N => { default_locale => 'de_AT', locales => { 'de' => { format_date => 'dd.MM.yyyy', format_datetime => 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm', }, 'de_AT' => { inherits => 'de', timezone => 'Europe/Vienna', format_datetime => 'dd.MM.yyyy uma HH\'e\'', }, 'de_DE' => { inherits => 'de', timezone => 'Europe/Berlin', }, } }, ); package MyApp::Catalyst::Controller::Main; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw/Catalyst::Controller/; sub auto : Private { my ($self,$c) = @_; $c->get_locale(); # Tries to fetch the locale from the folloing sources in the given order # 1. Session # 2. User settings # 3. Browser settings # 4. Client address # 5. Default locale from config } sub action : Local { my ($self,$c) = @_; $c->stash->{title} = $c->maketext('Hello world!'); $c->stash->{location} = $c->i18n_geocode->name; $c->stash->{language} = $c->language; $c->stash->{localtime} = $c->i18n_datetime_format_date->format_datetime(DateTime->now); } If you want to load all available roles and traits you can use CatalystX::I18N::Role::All as a shortcut. package MyApp::Catalyst; use strict; use warnings; use Catalyst qw/ +CatalystX::I18N::Role::All /; DESCRIPTION CatalystX::I18N provides a comprehensive toolset for internationalisation (I18N) and localisation ( N) of catalyst applications. This distribution consists of several modules that are designed to integrate seamlessly, but can be run idependently or replaced easily if necessarry. * CatalystX::I18N::Role::Base Basic I18N role that glues everything toghether. * CatalystX::I18N::Role::Maketext Adds a maketext capability to a Catalyst application. * CatalystX::I18N::Role::DateTime Methods for localizing date and time informations. * CatalystX::I18N::Role::NumberFormat Methods for localizing numbers. * CatalystX::I18N::TraitFor::Request Extends a Catalyst::Request with usefull methods to help dealing with various I18N related information in HTTP requests. * CatalystX::I18N::TraitFor::Response Adds a "Content-Language" header to the response. * CatalystX::I18N::Role::GetLocale Tries best to determine the request locale. * CatalystX::I18N::Model::Maketext Provides access to Locale::Maketext classes via Catalyst models. * CatalystX::I18N::Maketext Wrapper arround Locale::Maketext. Can also be used outside of Catalyst. CONFIGURATION In order to work properly, CatalystX::I18N will need find some values in your Catalyst configuration __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'MyApp', I18N => { default_locale => 'de_AT', locales => { 'de' => { inactive => 1, # Mark this locale as inactive. ... # Arbitrary configuration parameters }, 'de_AT' => { inherits => 'de', # Inherit all settings form locale 'de' ... }, } }, ); The configuration must be stored under the key "I18N". It should contain a hash of "locales" and optionally a default locale ("default_locale"). Locales can be marked as "inactive". Inactive locales will not be selected by the "get_locale" in CatalystX::I18N::Role::GetLocale method. Locales can inherit from other locales ("inherits"). All configuration values from inherited locales will be copied, and add if you use CatalystX::I18N::Model::Maketext together with CatalystX::I18N::Maketext the generated lexicons will also inherit in the given order. Additional configuration values are defined by the various CatalystX::I18N::Role::Maketext::* plugins. EXTENDING Extending the functionality of the CatalystX::I18N distribution is easy. E.g. writing a new plugin that does some processing when the locale changes package CatalystX::MyI18N::Plugin; use Moose::Role; after 'set_locale' => sub { my ($c,$locale) = @_; $c->do_someting($locale); }; no Moose::Role; 1; SEE ALSO Locale::Maketext, , Number::Format, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::Format::CLDR, DateTime::TimeZone, HTTP::BrowserDetect and Locale::Geocode SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at . I will be notified and then you'll automatically be notified of the progress on your report as I make changes. AUTHOR Maroš Kollár CPAN ID: MAROS maros [at] L COPYRIGHT CatalystX::I18N is Copyright (c) 2010 Maroš Kollár - LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.