Tucker Tableau version of Simplex Algorithm. The benchmark_random_LPs.pl script shows how to use the Models of which there are three: * Float - Normal Perl Numbers * Rational - Provided by Math::Cephes::Fraction.= * PDL - Use piddles for execution speed in larger sized problems The normal Perl types model has OK performance and is actually the fastest up to around 200x200 matrices. The Fractions (Rationals) model uses the module Math::Fractions::Cephes. It is the slowest, but it is exact when starting with a tableau (matrix) of rationals. PDL Model uses the Perl Data Language. It is intended for larger size problems as it's the fastest choice when the tableau is > 200x200. It has been tested on matrices of 2000x2000 in size. Don't be fooled - PDL is fast. Hey it's C and fortran doing the arithmetic operations. The algorithm implementation was strongly influenced by Nering and Tucker's book published in the early 90's along with the guidance of George McRae of the University of Montana. Any errors are solely mine ;) This program falls under same license as Perl (Artistic or GPL, your choice).