App::Packer packs perl scripts and all of their dependencies inside an executable. Copyright (c) 2002 Mattia Barbon. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. LIMITATIONS * it requires an hacked version of Module::Info (available at * it won't cripple (a.k.a. protect) your source code (see below). * DATA filehandle will not work with perl 5.6.x * does not allow you to add/remove arbitrary files * if the perl you compiled against uses a shared you need to ship it with the executable * is just a quick demonstrative hack * see TODO.txt * many, many, many more BINARIES (Win32) ppm install COMPRESSION The default backend can compress/uncompress files on the fly, provided thta it can find zlib (for decompression) and Compress::Zlib for compression. On Win32, you should unpack the zlib sources in the directory the Makefile.PL lies; under UNIX the Makefile will check /usr(/local)?(/lib|/include) for zlib.h/libz. If the autodetection fails, you can explicitky set the $ZLIB_* variables at the top op Makefile.PL. HINTS Some modules (notably Tk) do some magic that Module::Info can't understand; in order for Tk programs to pack correctly, App::Packer uses an hints file, named $LIB/App/Packer/Frontend/ModuleInfo/hints.ini. You can use the hints.ini file included in this distribution as a model; you are kindly invited to send back any modifications you need to do, so that they can be included in successive releases of App::Packer. CODE OBFUSCATION This module is open source, hence anyone can see the code, and look at how packing and unpacking is implemented: this means that adding encryption/obfuscation/whatever code to it is useless. SPEED AND CACHING Some modules (notably Tk::* and Wx::*) take a very long time for their dependencies to be analysed, hence App::Packer uses caching to speed things up. This means that the first time you pack a Tk program, it will take a *very* long time, while subsequent packing of programs using Tk, will take much less time. A side effect of using a cache is that sometimes the cache stores wrong results, hence you may need to clean the cache (it is a .packfile directory in one of $ENV{HOME}, $ENV{TMP}, $ENV{TEMP}. KNOWN FRONTENDS/BACKENDS Frontends: Module::ScanDeps Backends: App::Packer::Backend::PAR (to be released soon) THANKS to Andrea Maestrutti for testing the first releases of this module.