NAME Data::Processor - Transform Perl Data Structures, Validate Data against a Schema, Produce Data from a Schema, or produce documentation directly from information in the Schema. SYNOPSIS use Data::Processor; my $schema = { section => { description => 'a section with a few members', error_msg => 'cannot find "section" in config', members => { foo => { # value restriction either with a regex.. value => qr{f.*}, description => 'a string beginning with "f"' }, bar => { # ..or with a validator callback. validator => sub { my $self = shift; my $parent = shift; # undef is "no-error" -> success. no strict 'refs'; return undef if $self->{value} == 42; } }, wuu => { optional => 1 } } } }; my $p = Data::Processor->new($schema); my $data = { section => { foo => 'frobnicate', bar => 42, # "wuu" being optional, can be omitted.. } }; my $error_collection = $p->validate($data, verbose=>0); # no errors :-) # in case of errors: # ------------------ # print each error on one line. say $error_collection; # same for my $e ($error_collection->as_array){ say $e; # do more.. } DESCRIPTION Data::Processor is a tool for transforming, verifying, and producing Perl data structures from / against a schema, defined as a Perl data structure. METHODS new my $processor = Data::Processor->new($schema); optional parameters: - indent: count of spaces to insert when printing in verbose mode. Default 4 - depth: level at which to start. Default is 0. - verbose: Set to a true value to print messages during processing. validate Validate the data against a schema. The schema either needs to be present already or be passed as an argument. my $error_collection = $processor->validate($data, verbose=>0); validate_schema check that the schema is valid. This method gets called upon creation of a new Data::Processor object. my $error_collection = $processor->validate_schema(); merge_schema merges another schema into the schema (optionally at a specific node) my $error_collection = $processor->merge_schema($schema_2); merging rules: - merging transformers will result in an error - merge checks if all merged elements match existing elements - non existing elements will be added from merging schema - validators from existing and merging schema get combined transform_data Transform one key in the data according to rules specified as callbacks that themodule calls for you. Transforms the data in-place. my $validator = Data::Processor::Validator->new($schema, data => $data) my $error_string = $processor->transform($key, $schema_key, $value); This is not tremendously useful at the moment, especially because validate() transforms during validation. make_data Writes a data template using the information found in the schema. my $data = $processor->make_data(data=>$data); make_pod Write descriptive pod from the schema. my $pod_string = $processor->make_pod(); AUTHOR Matthias Bloch COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015- Matthias Bloch LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.