DBD::DB2 is now available from your local CPAN site. As a user or maintainer of a local copy of DBD::DB2 you need to be aware of the following addresses: The DBI mailing lists located at dbi-announce@fugue.com for announcements dbi-dev@fugue.com for developer/maintainer discussions dbi-users@fugue.com for end user level discussion and help To subscribe or unsubscribe to each individual list you may use the WWW at http://www.fugue.com/dbi or email at the following addresses dbi-announce-request@fugue.com dbi-dev-request@fugue.com dbi-users-request@fugue.com with your request in the body of the message. Technical support for the DBD::DB2 driver is provided by IBM through its service agreements for DB2 UDB. Information on DB2 UDB service agreements and support can be found on the Web at http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech For other DBD::DB2 information, please see http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/perl Comments/suggestions/enhancement requests may be sent to db2perl@ca.ibm.com We would also appreciate if you could send the following information to the db2perl userid listed above: - your name or company name - the platform on which the DBD::DB2 driver is being used - the type of application making use of the DBD::DB2 driver Please see the following files for more information: CAVEATS - important build/usage information DB2.pod - an example perl script - an explanation of attribute hashes