NAME SMS::Send::Twilio - SMS::Send backend for Twilio API SYNOPSIS use SMS::Send; # Create an object. There are three required values: my $sender = SMS::Send->new('Twilio', _accountsid => 'ACb657bdcb16f06893fd127e099c070eca', _auth_token => 'b857f7afe254fa86c689648447e04cff', _from => '+15005550006', ); # Send a message to me my $sent = $sender->send_sms( text => 'Messages have a limit of 160 chars', to => '+31645742418', ); # Did it send? if ( $sent ) { print "Sent test message\n"; } else { print "Test message failed\n"; } DESCRIPTION SMS::Send::Twilio is an SMS::Send driver for the Twilio web service. new # Create a new sender using this driver my $sender = SMS::Send->new('Twilio', _accountsid => 'ACb657bdcb16f06893fd127e099c070eca', _auth_token => 'b857f7afe254fa86c689648447e04cff', _from => '+15005550006', ); The "new" constructor takes three parameters, which should be passed through from the SMS::Send constructor. send_sms It's really easy; if it returns a true value, sending the message was OK. If not we'd see an error message on STDERR. # Send a message to me my $sent = $sender->send_sms( text => 'Messages have a limit of 160 chars', to => '+31645742418', ); AUTHOR Michiel Beijen COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013- Michiel Beijen LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO SMS::Send WWW::Twilio::API