DBIx/Record version 0.10 ======================== NAME DBIx::Record - Middle tier system for representing database records as objects. SYNOPSIS use Hospital; # load class that implements DBIx::Record class my ($login, $patient); # get object that holds the database connection $login = Hospital->get_login; # Instantiate object representing the patient record # that has primary key 1000. Change the record's name_last field. # Then save the record. $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, 1000, fields=>['name_last']); $patient->{'f'}->{'name_last'} = 'Smith'; $patient->save; # Instantiate object representing a patient record # that doesn't exist yet. Set the name_last field, save, # and output the primary key of the new record $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, -1); $patient->{'f'}->{'name_last'} = 'Smith'; $patient->save; print 'primary key: ', $patient->{'pk'}, "\n"; INSTALLATION DBIx::Record can be installed with the usual routine: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install OVERVIEW "DBIx::Record" is a system for representing database records as objects. Each table in a database can be considered a class, and each record an instantiation of that class. By presenting records as objects, each type of record can have its own custom properties and methods. "DBIx::Record" is an abstract class: it must be overridden by a concrete class to be implemented. A "DBIx::Record" record object (more simply known as a "record object") is instantiated with the "new" static method, which accepts two arguments: a DBIx::Record::Login object (which holds the connection to the database) and one of several objects that provides the data for a specific record. ("new" is explained in more detail below.) For example, consider a database of medical patients. Each patient has a record in a "Patients" table, and can be represented by an object of the class "Hospital::Patient". The following code creates a record object with a primary key of 1000: my $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, 1000); The new object, then, represents the patient record whose primary key is 1000. The primary key is stored in the "pk" property of the object: print 'primary key: ', $patient->{'pk'}, "\n"; When the record object is instantiated using an ID, no calls to the database are made. That is, the object merely knows its primary key. No data has been retrieved from the database, and in fact, it has not even been confirmed that the record exists. To pull the record's data from the database, use the "set_fields" method: $patient>set_fields(); "set_fields" retrieves the record fields from the database and stores them in the object's "f" ("fields") property. That data can then be written to and read, and the record saved: $patient->{'f'}->{'name_last'} = 'Smith'; print 'last name: ', $patient->{'f'}->{'name_last'}, "\n"; $patient->save; There are other ways to instantiate an object besides using an existing record's primary key. For example, to create a new record (i.e. to add a new record to the database, send a negative primary key. "DBIx::Record" will understand that to mean a new record. You can put values in the record's "f" hash and save the record as usual: my $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, -1); $patient->{'f'}->{'name_last'} = 'Smith'; $patient->save; print 'primary key: ', $patient->{'pk'}, "\n"; Another way to instantiate a record object is to pass a DBI statement handle as the second argument. "DBIx::Record" will understand to populate the object's "f" hash from the next record in the statement handle: my $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, $sth); print 'primary key: ', $patient->{'pk'}, "\n"; Yet another way to instantiate a "DBIx::Record" object is to pass a CGI query object as the second argument. In that situation you must always pass a specific list of fields that should be read from the query. "DBIx::Record" will read the listed fields from the query and store them in the "f" hash: my $patient = Hospital::Patient->new($login, $q, fields=>['name_last', 'name_first', 'date_of_birth']); $patient->save; The techniques described here provide the basis for how "DBIx::Record" objects work. There are many more features. Just to name a few, "DBIx::Records" provide: * Centralized enforcement of business rules for database records * Encapsulation of common database routines * Centralized system for defining how records should be displayed in text output, web pages, and web page forms * Cross-platform generization Assumptions and Restrictions "DBIx::Record" is based on certain assumptions about how you design your database. While most of the assumed practices are quite typical, it's necessary to be sure that "DBIx::Record" and your database design do not clash. Tables that are represented by record object classes are assumed to have a single primary key. It is assumed that that key will never be a negative integer. It is also assumed that a new primary key can be programmatically generated for each new record (typically through use of a sequence). "DBIx::Record" does not (currently) support referencing tables with composite primary keys, but it does not prevent you for including those types of tables in your database and referencing them in a more traditional manner. "DBIx::Record" assumes that no database or HTML form fields start with the "dbr.". "DBIx::Record" reserves that prefix for use as hidden fields in HTML forms. It is also assumed that field names are case-insensitive. Implementation: The Four Layers of DBIx::Record "DBIx::Record" is implemented by extending the base class through several layers that implement different pieces of the database connection puzzle. A typical implementation will extend "DBIx::Record" through four layers. The following sections look at each layer. Base: DBIx::Record The base class is "DBIx::Record" itself. "DBIx::Record" provides the overall interface as well as a variety of utility functions. "DBIx::Record" is an abstract class and defines several methods that *must* be overridden. This class also implements a wide range of concrete methods that can be used by the final concrete classes. Database Format: DBIx::Record::DBFormat::*database format* The next layer, DBIx::Record::DBFormat::*format*, extends "DBIx::Record" to handle a specific database format such as MySQL, PosGreSql, Oracle, etc. This layer implements six static methods that provide generic access to a relational database: * select_single($dbh, $pk, %opts): returns the fields of a single record * select_multiple($dbh, $sth, %opts): returns a DBI statement handle for a set of records * record_exists($dbh, $pk): returns true if a specified record exists * record_delete($dbh, $tablename, $pk): deletes a specified record * update($dbh, $tablename, $pk, %fields): saves a set of fields to a specified record * insert($dbh, $tablename, $pk, %fields): saves a new record and returns the primary key *Application* The Application layer extends one of the database format classes to provide methods that apply to your specific application. This class provides the "create_login" method that provides a login object and a database handle. Table: *Application*::*Table* This concrete class layer extends the application layer to provide objects for a specific table. This class implements the "table_name", "pk_field_name", and "field_defs" methods. DBIx::Record "DBIx::Record" is the base class for record objects. One class is defined for each table in the database. Every instantiation of "DBIx::Record" represents a single record in that table. Constants "DBIx::Record" has three constants for indicating the media for the field object. These constants are all integers, so you can use "==" for comparisons. MEDIA_TEXT output the field as plain text MEDIA_HTML output the field for use in an HTML web page. MEDIA_HTML_FORM output the field as an HTML web page form. import/export "DBIx::Record" exports the following methods and constants if you load it with the ":all" option, like this: use DBIx::Record ':all'; reset_errors add_error add_dbierror show_errors_plain die_errors_plain crunch htmlesc nullfix hascontent as_arr MEDIA_TEXT MEDIA_HTML MEDIA_HTML_FORM %nospace "%DBIx::Record::nospace" is used by "strip_html". "%nospace" gives a set of HTML tags which, when removed, should *not* be replaced with a single space. Each key in "%nospace" is the name of a tag, in lowercase. The values are ignored. static @errors An array of error messages that are created when a function has an error. Any function may add errors to this array, but only the following functions may clear the array: * "save", * "validate", * "get_records" * "set_fields" login "login" represents the record's connection to the database. "login" is used by every method that sends data to or retrieves data from the database. "login" may either be an object which returns a DBI database handle via its "get_dbh" method, or "login" may itself be a database handle. "DBIx::Record" dynamically determines which type of object it is and acts accordingly. The application layer creates the login object using its static "create_login" method. "pk" The primary key of the record. This property should never be set outside of the class. is_own_login If true, then the object uses itself as its own login object. This property is used by the "get_login method". "f" The hash of field objects. The keys are the field names, the values are field objects. It's named "f" instead of fields because I found myself using this property dozens of times per web page, and I wanted something shorter to type. "f" is reference to a tied hash. If you assign a value to one of the hash keys, the value is assigned using that field object's "set_from_interface" method. Also, the tied object tracks if any changes to the fields have been made, so that no database call is necessary if no changes were made. static new($login, $id, %options) This static method is the constructor for a "DBIx::Record" object. The method has two required arguments. The first, "$login", is the login object. It may instead be a dbh object. The second, "$id" is one of these types of scalars: * a primary key: if "$id" is a defined non-reference, and if it is an integer greater than or equal to zero, then it is assumed to be the primary key of an existing record. * undef or negative number: if "$id" is not defined, or if it is a number less than zero, then it is assumed that the record object represents a new record. In this case the "pk" property is not defined. * a statement handle: if "$id" is a DBI statement handle, then the current record in the handle will be used to set the fields of the record object. In doing so, the statement handle will be advanced to the next record. The statement handle *must* include the primary key of the record. If the statement handle is at eof, then "new" returns undef. * CGI object: if a CGI object is passed as the second argument, if the "dbr.form_sent" field in the query is true, and if the "dbr.cancel" field in the query is false, then the fields are set from the CGI object. The feature is only enabled if the "fields" option is also sent. Only the fields listed in "fields" are loaded from the CGI. "fields" may be set to "*" to indicate all fields. Options set_fields, fields This option consists of an array of fields to retrieve from the database. If this option is sent, then the new record object automatically retrieve. If the list consists of just "*", then all the fields are retrieved. The options "set_fields" and "fields" mean exactly the same thing. set_fields(%options) This method retrieves data from the database using the primary key of the record object, and stores the data into the "fields" hash. There are no required arguments. By default, "set_fields" retrieves all the fields in the record. This function uses "select_single(%opts)", which is implemented in the database format layer, to do the actual retrieval of records from the database. An array of errors is returned if "pk" is not defined or if the record is not found in the database. Options fields "fields" is an array of the names of fields to retrieve. It may also be a scalar, which will be interpreted as a single-item array. So, for example, this code retrieves the "name" and "email" fields: $client->set_fields(fields=>['name', 'email']); hash TODO set_from_interface TODO media_object TODO static new_record_pk($pk) Returns true if the given primary key is in the format of a new record. fields_object() Returns the object to which the fields hash is tied. show_fields() A handy utility for debugging. Displays all fields in a web page show_field_names() Another handy utility for debugging. Displays all field names. static reset_errors() Clears out all errors from "@DBIx::Record::errors". static add_error() Adds an error to "@DBIx::Record::errors". Always returns an empty array, so returning the return value of this function is a clean way to return false from a subroutine. static add_dbierror() Adds the value of "$DBI::errstr" to "@DBIx::Record::errors". Always returns an empty array, so returning the return value of this function is a clean way to return false from a subroutine. static show_errors_plain() Handy for debugging. Outputs "@DBIx::Record::errors" to STDOUT. static die_errors_plain() Handy for debugging. Outputs "@DBIx::Record::errors" to STDOUT, then dies. static get_ob_dbh($ob) Returns the database handle from a login, if "$ob" *is* login object. Otherwise returns "$ob" itself. get_dbh() Returns the database handle used by the record obejct. is_new() Returns true if the record is a new record (i.e. not saved to the database yet). save() This method saves the record to the database, returning an array of errors if the record could not be saved. First, "save" calls "validate". If "validate" returns any errors then "save" returns those errors to the caller and is done. If "pk" is defined, then "save" calls update, returning its error array. Otherwise "save" calls insert, setting the resulting new primary key to "pk" (if there were no errors) and returning the array of errors. exists() Returns true if the given record exists in the database. Calls record_exists to make the check. delete() Deletes the record. Returns true if successful. Before the record is deleted, the "before_delete" method is called. If that method returns false, then the record is not deleted. After the deletion, the method is called. static get_records($login, %options) This static method returns a "DBIx::Record::Looper" object representing the results of a select statement. By default, every field in every record is returned. For example, this code loops through the entire Clients table: $looper = MyApp::Client->get_records(); while (my $client = $looper->next) { print $client->{'f'}->{'name'} } The optional arguments allow you filter down what is returned. Options Note that if any of these options are tainted then there will be a fatal error. The only exception is the list of bindings, which may be tainted. fields, where, bindings, order These options are passed to "select_multiple", which is implemented in the database format level. "fields", "bindings", and "order" are first checked to ensure that they are array refs. If they are scalars then they are converted to refs to single element arrays. children(%options) This method returns a looper referencing child records in a foreign table. The only required argument is "$class", which is the name of the class of the foreign table. For example, the following code returns a "DBIx::Record::Looper" for the members of a club: $looper = $club->children('MyApp::Club'); This method accepts the same options as "get_records": "fields", "where", "bindings", and "order". The where clause created by the "where" option is set in addition to the primary of the current record. get_login() Returns the login held in the "login" property. If the object's "is_own_logon" is true, then the object itself is returned. get_dbh() Returns the database handle used by the object. validate() Validates the record. Returns true if the record passes valdation, false otherwise. If there are any errors,they will be in "@DBIx::Record::errors". Calls "validate_fields()", holding on to the returned array of errors. If no errors are found, or if "always_rl_validate()" returns true, the process then calls "record_level_validate()", holding on to those errors. Before any valdation is done, the "still_valid" method is called. If it returns true, then the record has not been changed since it was retrieved from the database, or since it was last confirmed as valid, so no validation is needed and "validate" returns true. If errors are found, "validate" returns false. "@DBIx::Record::errors" contains an array of errors. validate_fields() Loops through all changed fields and runs their "validate" methods. If any of the validations return false, then this method returns false. Otherwise it returns true. still_valid() Returns true if the record has been validated before and the record has not changed since that validation. changed() Returns an array of the names of fields that have changed since the record object was created or since the last save. For a new record, all fields are noted as "changed" when the object is created. This method actually just calls the "changed()" method of the "DBIx::Record::FieldHash" object. reset() Sets the record so that no fields are marked as changed. The values of the fields are *not* changed back to their original values. This method actually just calls the "reset()" method of the "DBIx::Record::FieldHash" object. static display_record() Returns a single record with just the fields listed in display_fields. static display_record() Returns a looper object just like get_records, but with the display fields specifically requested. static display_record() Returns the output of the "display_str" method of the record with the given pk. static crunch() Trims leading and trailing space, crunches internal contiguous whitespace to single spaces. In void context, modifies the input param itself. Otherwise crunches and returns the modified value. static tc() Sets the given string title case: the beginning strings are in uppercase, everything else is lowwer case. In void context, modifies the input param itself. Otherwise crunches and returns the modified value. static htmlesc() Escapes the given string for display in a web page. In void context, modifies the input param itself. Otherwise crunches and returns the modified value. static hascontent() Returns true if the given scalar is defined and contains something besides whitespace. static strip_html() Removes all HTML tags from the given string. static create_login() This method sets "$login" to either a DBIx::Record::Login object, or a DBI database handle. This method returns true/false indicating success. This method is the most loosely defined in "DBIx::Record" That is because every application will have a different way of creating login objects and connecting to the database. record_level_validate() Override this method in the table layer. This method is called by "validate()" to allow the designer to perform custom validation beyond that which is performed at the field level. This method returns true/false indicating success. The default is to return true. This method should *not* be used to check field-level business rules such as "required". Those checks are done by the individual field objects and are all called by "validate_fields", which is also called by "save". Designers of extensions of this subroutine should be sensitive to the fact that not all of the fields for a given record may be loaded into the object. Therefore, checks on relationships between several fields may not be necessary if not all of those fields are loaded. always_rl_validate() Override this method in the table layer. If this method returns true, then when "validate()" calls "validate_fields()" and it gets errors, it *still* calls "record_level_validate()". Defaults to false. static table_name(), static pk_field_name() These methods provide simple information about a specific table. "table_name" returns the name of the table. "pk_field_name" returns the name of the primary key field. These methods simply return a string. They require no arguments and can be called as either static or object methods. Generally each can be implemented in a single line of code: sub table_name {'COUNTRY'} sub key_field_name {'COUNTRY_ID'} display_str(), static display_fields() "display_str" outputs a string that is used to indicate this record. Usually this method is used in lists of records. For example, in a table holding country names, this method would return the name of the country (e.g. "England", "Canada"). In a list of people, this record could return the list of people's names. "display_str" returns an array ref of fields that are used by "display_str". before_create(), after_create(), before_update(), after_update(), before_delete(), after_delete These methods are called before and after the creation, update, and deletion of a record. If any of "before" events return false then the event is cancelled. By default all of these simply return true. static static field_defs() This method returns a hash of field definitions. Each field definition is itself a hash of properties for that field. These definitions are used to create the fields in the "f" property of "DBIx::Record::Field" objects. Each key in the hash is the name of the field. Field names should always be lowercase. The value consists of a hash of field properties. The only required property is the name of the class of the field. Other properties are passed to the "field object" constructor and will generally be used to set properties of that field object. The "default" property is used to set the default value of the field. That value is passed to the field object constructor via its "set_from_interface" method. "field_defs" determines the definitions in any way the programmer chooses, but generally it's easiest to simply create and return the hash directly in the sub, like this: sub field_defs { return name => { class => 'DBIx::Record::Text', required => 1, display_size => 25, maxsize => 50, }, email => { class => 'DBIx::Record::Text', rows => 5, cols => 70, maxsize => '1k', }, comments => { class => 'DBIx::Record::TextArea', }, ; } static record_delete($dbh, $pk) Deletes the record in the given table with the given primary key. This method returns true/false indicating success. Implement this method in the database format layer. static select_single($dbh, $pk, %options) Retrieves the record's data from the database, returning a hash of the fields and data. By default, all the fields are retrieved and returned. If the "fields" option is sent, then only the fields listed there should be retrieved. static select_multiple($dbh, %options) This static function is implemented in the database format layer. "select_multiple" selects a set of records from the class' table, returning a DBI statement handle of that selection. The statement handle should *not* be executed. In its simplest form, "select_multiple" selects all fields in all records in the entire table: $sth = MyApp::Clients->select_multiple($dbh); The optional arguments filter down the results: fields "fields" is an array of the names of fields to retrieve. The default is "*", which may also be sent explicitly. So, for example, this code retrieves the "name" and "email" fields: $sth = MyApp::Clients->select_multiple($dbh, fields=>['name', 'email']); Regardless of what fields are listed in this argument, "select_multiple" should always return the primary key in the return hash. order This option is an array of fields on which the select should be ordered. For example, the following code sets the order to "age" then "name": $sth = MyApp::Clients->select_multiple( fields => ['name', 'email'], order => ['age', 'name']); where_str This option is a where clause to add to the select. For example, the following code sets the where clause to people under 21: $sth = MyApp::Clients->select_multiple( fields => ['name', 'email'], where_str => 'age < 21'); bindings This option is only used when there is also a "where" option. This option is an array of values associated with the bound params in the where clause. So, for example, this code binds 21 to the first param and 'm' to the second: $sth = MyApp::Clients->select_multiple( fields => ['name', 'email'], where => 'age < ? and gender=?', bindings => [21, 'm'] ); static select_exists($dbh, $pk) Returns true if a record with the given primary key exists in the given table. static update($dbh, $pk, %fields) This static function is implemented in the database format layer. This method saves the fields in the "%fields" to a specific existing record. The hash will always contain at least one name/value pair, and the function can assume that the record already exists. This method returns true/false indicating success. static insert($dbh, $pk, %fields) This method creates a new record in the table and returns the primary key of that new record. "%fields" ius a hash of field names and values for the new record. The hash may have any number of name/value pairs, including none. This method returns true/false indicating success. interface DBIx::Record::Login A "DBIx::Record::Login" object represents the connection to the database. "DBIx::Record::Login" is an interface class: it is not provided by "DBIx::Record". Each application must provide its own class that implements the "DBIx::Record::Login" interface. Alternatively, the application can pass around a DBI database handle object and never implement a "DBIx::Record::Login" class. get_dbh Returns an active database handle. DBIx::Record::FieldHash This is the tied hash class that is used to create the tied hash for the "f" property of the record object. id, login, class The id, login, and class of the parent record object. Because of Perl's difficulty in garbage collecting circular references, we don't store a direct reference to the parent record object. Instead, we hold on to the info we would need in case we need to retrieve any other fields. fields Hash of field objects. changed_fields This property indicates which fields have been changed since the record object was created. When the "save" method is called, if no fields have been changed, then no save is done. If any fields have changed, only those fields that have changed are stored back into the database. "changed_fields" consists of a hash whose keys are the changed field names. The values of the hash are not important. changed() Returns an array of the names of fields that have changed since the record object was created or since the last save. For a new record, all fields are noted as "changed" when the object is created. reset() Sets the record so that no fields are marked as changed. The values of the fields are *not* changed back to their original values. TIEHASH($class, $record) Instantiates the object, stores the record's id, login, and class properties in itself. Creates the "fields" hash. FETCH($key) Returns the given key from the "fields" hash. If the field doesn't exist then the value is loaded from the database, stored in the "fields" hash, and returned. STORE($key, $val) If the given val is a "DBIx::Record::Field" object (or any class that extends "DBIx::Record::Field"), then that object is stored directly in the "fields" hash, and the field name is stored in "changed_fields". If the "fields" hash already contains a "DBIx::Record::Field" object with that key, then the value is passed to the object using its "set_from_interface" method. If the field doesn't exist in the "fields" hash, then the class's "field_defs" method is called, and a definition for that field name is sought. If the definition is found, then the field object is added to the hash and the value stored in it as before. If the field doesn't exist in the field definitions, then a fatal error occurs. DELETE This one's a little weird. You don't delete fields from a database. In this situation it makes sense to say that delete means "remove from the cache, don't save any value". EXISTS Returns true if the given field exists in the "fields" hash. FIRSTKEY, NEXTKEY Used to cycle through the "fields" hash in the normal tied hash manner. DBIx::Record::Looper A looper object is used to iterate through the results of a select statement. Each call to "next" returns a "DBIx::Record" object of the class that created the looper. So, for example, this code selects all clients and returns their information one at a time: $looper = MyApp::Client->get_records(); while (my $client = $looper->next) { ... } Looper objects are lazy... they do not actually connect to the database until the first "next" method is called. After the last record is returned, they close the statement handle. sth The statement handle being held for looping through. class The name of the class of the returned record objects. executed If false, then the statement handle has not been executed yet. static new($class, $sth) This method is the constructor. This method creates the looper object and stores the class name and the statement handle that are passed as the arguments. next This method instantiates and returns a single record object representing the next record in the statement handle. If the "executed" property is false, then this is the first time that "next" has been called. The statement handle is executed and "executed" is set to true. If the statement handle returns undef, then the handle is done and is undeffed. DBIx::Record::Error "DBIx::Record::Error" objects represent a single error message returned by a function. The object oriented format of the error messages allow function to return messages that take advantage of HTML while still restricting themselves to plain text when necessary. text The plain text of the error message. html The HTML version of the error message. static new(%options) Instantiates an error object. The optional arguments must have either "html" or "text". If neither is sent then a fatal error occurs. The options are stored in the "html" or "text" properties as appropriate. static add(%options) This static method works just like "new()", except that instead of returning the error object, it adds the object to the "@DBIx::Record::errors" array. output($media) Returns the error message for the given media. $media should be "DBIx::Record::MEDIA_TEXT", "DBIx::Record::MEDIA_HTML", or "DBIx::Record::MEDIA_HTML_FORM". If the object's "text" property is defined, but "html" is not, and if the media indicates HTML, then the "text" property is HTML escaped and output. If text is called for and there is only HTML, then all HTML is stripped (though for the time being probably not very well for this first release) and returned. If there is neither, then a fatal error occurs. abstract DBIx::Record::Field "DBIx::Record::Field" represents a single field in a record. A "DBIx::Record::Field" knows how to dislay itself in three different medias, can deserialize itself from two types of data sources, and knows how to format itself for saving in the database. "DBIx::Record::Field" allows the application designer to define once how a field is displayed and stored, and then use that definition in many different places. "DBIx::Record::Field" is an abstract class. It is extended by several different classes to implement different types of fields. "DBIx::Record::Field" objects stringify to the results of the "output()" method. By doing so, fields can be easily output in Perl "here" documents. field_name The name of the field that is stored in the database. value This property holds the value of the field. Strictly speaking, the type of data (scalar, array reference, hash reference) that is stored in this property is up to each extending field class. Calculated fields may not even use this property. However, default values will be stored in this property, and extending classes should customarily store data here. required Indicates if the field is required. Generally it implies that the value may not be an empty string, and must contain something besides whitespace. However, extending classes may interpret this property however they want. desc_short A short description of the field, what many people might call the "name" of the field. This will often be different than the id. For example, a field might have a field with an id of "phone" but a "desc_short" of "Phone number". desc_long_text A long text description of the field. This field may be of any length, but 100 characters is the upper limit of good taste. This field may be left undefined, in which it is simply not output. desc_long_html The HTML version of "desc_long_text". If this property is not defined, then "desc_long_text" is HTML escaped and output to the web page. media This property indicates how the field data should be displayed. There will be three possible values, set as constants in the "DBIx::Record" namespace: TEXT: the data should be output as plain text HTML: the data should be output for display in a web page HTML_FORM_FIELD: the data should be output as a form field media_object If this property is set, the object it references is used to determine the display media rather than the "media" property itself. The object must implement the "get_media" method. stringification Field objects stringify to the output of their "output"methods. Therefore, the two following commands function identically: print $myfield->output; print $myfield; static new($definition, $login) "new" is the constructor for field objects. "new" takes two arguments. "$definition" is the field definition as returned by the table layer's "field_defs" method. "$login" is the login object used to communicate with the database. output(%options) Returns the results of either "text_display()", "html_display()", or "html_form_field()", depending on the media type. This method is used by the stringification class property to display the field according to the proper media. html_display_row() Returns an entire row of an HTML table for displaying the name, description, and value of a form field. Typically, the first column will contain the "shortdesc" of the field and the "longdeschtml" (if it exists) below that. The second column will contain the form field or the html value. In no cases should this method return more than two HTML table columns. abstractish set_from_interface($value) Sets the value based on the value received from the user interface. abstract set_from_db() Sets the value of the field based on the value returned from the database. By default this method is just calls "set_from_interface". abstractish send_to_db() Returns the value that should be stored in the database. By default this method just calls "text_display". abstractish validate($rec) Checks if the data in the field violates any business rules for the field. This method returns true/false indicating success. The default base implementation of this method always returns true. The first argument is the "DBIx::Record" object, which may be used to do external checks on the field data. abstract text_display() Returns the value that should be displayed exactly as-is in a text-based interface. By default this method simply returns the value of the "value" property. abstractish html_display() Returns the value that should be displayed (not as a form field) in a web page. Text-fields, for example, will simply return the text with the HTML escaped. In "DBIx::Record::Field", this method simply returns the HTML escaped value of the "value" property. abstract html_form_field() Returns the HTML to display the field in an HTML form. The code should default the field to its current value. DBIx::Record::Field::Text *extends "DBIx::Record::Field"* This class represents a short text field. Examples of data that would use "DBIx::Record::Field::Text" would be people's names. crunch Indicates that the data should have leading and trailing whitespace removed, and internal whitespace crunched down to single spaces. display_size Indicates how many characters wide the text field should be in form editing. max_size Indicates that the maximum number of characters the text may be. 0 or undef indicate no maximum size. 'k' may be appended to the value to indicate that the size is in kilobytes, or 'm' to indicate that the value is in meg. For example, '3k' would indicate that the string may be 3 kilobytes long. upper, lower, title If any of these properties are true, then the data is uppercased, lowercased, or title-cased when it is imported from the user interface. html_form_field() Returns the HTML code for an "" element. The size of the field is set to the "size" property. set_from_interface() Overrides "DBIx::Record::Field"'s "set_from_interface" to implement the "upper", "lower", and "title" properties. validate($rec) Performs a large set of validation checks. If the field is required, the value must consist of something besides whitespace. If there is a maxsize, that is checked. If the record is a "static foreign_key()", then the foreign key is checked using record_exists($id). DBIx::Record::Field::TextArea *extends "DBIx::Record::Field::Text"* "DBIx::Record::Field::TextArea" objects are just like "DBIx::Record::Field::Text" objects except that they provide a much larger editing area for the user interface. "DBIx::Record::Field::TextArea" are for large blocks of text such as "description" fields. rows, cols Indicates the number of rows and columns to use for the text editing box. DBIx::Record::Field::ForeignKey *extends "DBIx::Record::Field"* A field that is a foreign key to another table. foreign The class name of the foreign table. locked If this field does not allow the user to change the value of the field. record($login) Returns the record that this field references. Return undef if "value" if undef. validate($rec) Uses the given record object to check if a record of the given class exists with the primary key stored in "value". DBIx::Record::Field::Checkbox *extends "DBIx::Record::Field"* A field object of this class holds a true/false value. It is represented in the user interface with a checkbox. value This property consists only of 1 or 0. true_false_reps This property contains the strings that indicate true or false. The property consists of an "LCHash" in which each key is a string that might be used to represent true or false. The value of each hash element is 1 or 0. When data is input into the field using the "set_from_interface" method, if the input value is defined and matches (on a crunched, case-insensitive basis) any of the keys in the hash, then the value of that hash element is stored. If the value does not exist in the hash, then the value is stored based on its standard Perl truth or falseness. This property defaults to these keys and values: { 1 => 1, 0 => 0, y => 1, n => 0, yes => 1, no => 0, t => 1, f => 0, true => 1, false => 0, } output_db This property holds the strings that are output to the database to indicate true and false. The property consists of a hash with keys 1 and 0. The default value of this property is this hash: { 1 => 1, 0 => 0, } output_interface This property holds the strings that are output to the user interface to indicate true and false. The property consists of a hash with keys 1 and 0. The default value of this property is this hash: { 1 => 1, 0 => 0, } html_img If this property is set, then when the data is represented in HTML, but not in a form, the images defined in this property are displayed to indicate true or false. This property can be used to present images of checkboxes that look like the checkboxes in a form, but are not editable. This property should consist of an anon hash with two elements. The keys for the hash are 1 and 0. The value of each element is a hash consisting of the properties of the image. The properties of the image are "url", "height", "width". An example of this property might consist of this hash: { 1 => { url => '/images/yes.gif', height => 15, width => 15, }, 0 => { url => '/images/no.gif', height => 15, width => 15, }, } set_from_interface($val) This method sets the value of the field according to this algorithm: * If $val is defined * crunch and lowercase $val * if $val exists as a key in "true_false_reps" * Set "value" to the Perl truth or falseness of the hash value. * else * set "value" $val. * else * set "value" to 0 DBIx::Record::Field::Select *extends "DBIx::Record::Field"* Objects in this class have a defined, finite set of available options. The user interface for this type of field is a dropdown selection in which the user may select exactly one value. options This property consists of an array of values and value displays. The values and displays alternate: a value, then a display, then another value, then its display, etc. foreign If this property is set, it gives the class name of a table. This property indicates that the value of the field is a foreign key to the given table. The primary keys and display values are retrieved from the class using its "display_options" and "display_str" methods. html_form_field() Returns HTML for a "