# NAME Pod::Markdown::Github - Convert POD to Github's specific markdown # VERSION Version 0.02 # SYNOPSIS ``` perl -MPod::Markdown::Github -e "Pod::Markdown::Github->filter('file.pod')" ``` # DESCRIPTION Github flavored markdown allows for syntax highlighting using three backticks. This module inherits from [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Markdown) and adds those backticks and an optional language identifier. # SUBCLASSING This module performs a very simple linguistic check to identify if it's dealing with Perl code. To expand on this logic, or to add other languages one may subclass this module and overwrite the `syntax` method. ```perl package Pod::Markdown::Github::More; sub syntax { my ( $self, $paragraph ) = @_; # analyze $paragraph and return language identifier return 'c' if $paragraph =~ /\#include/; } ``` Github uses [Liguist](https://github.com/github/linguist) to perform language detection and syntax highlighting, so the above may not be needed after all. # AUTHORS Stefan G. (minimal) Ben Kaufman (whosgonna) Nikolay Mishin (mishin) # LICENCE Perl