NAME WebService::NetSuite::SuiteTalk - NetSuite SOAP interface that caches compiled calls in memory VERSION version 0.006 SYNOPSIS use WebService::NetSuite::SuiteTalk; my $suitetalk = WebService::NetSuite::SuiteTalk->new( account_id => '12345678', email_address => '', password => 'sekrit', xsi_auto => 1, ); my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->changePassword( changePassword => { currentPassword => 'sekrit', newPassword => 'tirkes', newPassword2 => 'tirkes', justThisAccount => 'true', }, ); DESCRIPTION This class provides an in-memory lazy cache for compiled SOAP calls using NetSuite SuiteTalk web services. The first call to any SOAP method uses XML::Compile::WSDL11 to compile and execute that method against the specified NetSuite SuiteTalk service; subsequent calls can vary the parameters but will use the same compiled code. METHODS Available method names are dynamically loaded from the SuiteTalk WSDL file's operations, and can be passed either a hash or reference to a hash with the necessary parameters. In scalar context they return a reference to a hash containing the results of the SOAP call; in list context they return the results hashref and an XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace object suitable for debugging and exception handling. If there is no result then an exception will be thrown. Special note about list methods NetSuite's list methods (e.g., addList, deleteList, getList, initializeList, updateList, upsertList, and their asynchronous counterparts asyncAddList, asyncDeleteList, asyncGetList, asyncInitializeList, asyncUpdateList, asyncUpsertList) may all run into the various governance measures implemented to prevent web serviced from adversely affecting other users or the user experience. This module tries to mitigate this by detecting when the ExceededRecordCountFault or ExceededRequestSizeFault errors are triggered, and when detected splitting the record list in half and sending it as separate requests, repeating if necessary. Thus the results of list methods are returned as an array of answers and traces, rather than a simple paired answer and trace. This is reflected in the examples below. As of this writing the following operations are published in the NetSuite SuiteTalk API 2014.2 schema. Consult NetSuite's Help Center for full documentation on input and output parameters for each operation. add Example: use Moo; with 'WebServices::NetSuite::SuiteTalk::Role::Country'; my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->add( record => { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Joseph', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], } ); addList Example: use Moo; with 'WebServices::NetSuite::SuiteTalk::Role::Country'; my $answer_ref = ( $suitetalk->addList( record => [ { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Joseph', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], }, { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Jennifer', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], }, ] ) )[0][0]; asyncAddList asyncDeleteList asyncGetList asyncInitializeList asyncSearch asyncUpdateList asyncUpsertList attach changeEmail changePassword Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->changePassword( changePassword => { currentPassword => 'sekrit', newPassword => 'tirkes', newPassword2 => 'tirkes', justThisAccount => 'true', }, ); checkAsyncStatus delete deleteList detach get Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->get( baseRef => { XSI_TYPE => 'platformCore:RecordRef', type => 'nonInventorySaleItem', externalId => '12345', } ); getAll getAsyncResult getBudgetExchangeRate getConsolidatedExchangeRate getCurrencyRate getCustomizationId getDataCenterUrls Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->getDataCenterUrls(account => '1234567'); getDeleted getItemAvailability getList getPostingTransactionSummary getSavedSearch getSelectValue Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->getSelectValue( pageIndex => 1, fieldDescription => { recordType => 'customer', field => 'leadSource' }, ); getServerTime initialize Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->initialize( initializeRecord => { type => 'creditMemo', reference => { internalId => '12345', type => 'invoice' }, } ); initializeList login logout mapSso search Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->search( searchRecord => { XSI_TYPE => 'platformCommon:TransactionSearchBasic', type => { operator => 'anyOf', searchValue => ['invoice'], }, } ); searchMore searchMoreWithId searchNext ssoLogin update Example: my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->update( record => { XSI_TYPE => 'tranCust:CreditMemo', internalId => '12345' applyList => { replaceAll => 0, apply => { apply => 1, total => '1.00', doc => '12346', line => 0, }, }, } ); updateInviteeStatus updateInviteeStatusList updateList upsert Example: use Moo; with 'WebServices::NetSuite::SuiteTalk::Role::Country'; my $answer_ref = $suitetalk->upsert( record => { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Joseph', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], } ); upsertList Example: use Moo; with 'WebServices::NetSuite::SuiteTalk::Role::Country'; my $answer_ref = ( $suitetalk->upsertList( record => [ { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Joseph', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], }, { XSI_TYPE => 'listRel:Customer', isPerson => 1, firstName => 'Jennifer', middleName => 'Random', lastName => 'Netsuite', companyName => 'Acme', email => '', addressbookList => [ { defaultBilling => 1, addr1 => '123 Main Street', city => 'Anytown', state => 'CA', zip => '99999', country => code2country('us'), }, ], }, ] ) )[0][0]; OTHER METHODS AND ATTRIBUTES Because this class consumes the WebService::NetSuite::SuiteTalk::Role::Connection role, it also has that role's attributes and methods. For example, you can use the user_agent attribute to access the LWP::UserAgent used to retrieve and call the SuiteTalk service, or the wsdl method to access the underlying XML::Compile::WSDL11 object. TESTING The unit tests included with this distribution need to authenticate to a NetSuite account with SuiteTalk Web Services enabled. To enable web services, use the NetSuite web user interface and select the "Setup" menu, followed by "Company", followed by "Enable Features", then select the "SuiteCloud" tab. Make sure the "Web Services" checkbox is marked and select the "Save" button. In addition, you need to set the following environment variables in order to run the unit tests: PERL_TEST_NETSUITE_ACCOUNT PERL_TEST_NETSUITE_EMAIL PERL_TEST_NETSUITE_PASSWORD SUPPORT Perldoc You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc WebService::NetSuite::SuiteTalk Websites The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources. * MetaCPAN A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format. * Search CPAN The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format. * AnnoCPAN The AnnoCPAN is a website that allows community annotations of Perl module documentation. * CPAN Ratings The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and reviews of Perl modules. * CPAN Forum The CPAN Forum is a web forum for discussing Perl modules. * CPANTS The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics ) of a distribution. * CPAN Testers The CPAN Testers is a network of smokers who run automated tests on uploaded CPAN distributions. * CPAN Testers Matrix The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview of the test results for a distribution on various Perls/platforms. * CPAN Testers Dependencies The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the test results of all dependencies for a distribution. Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at You will be automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system. Source Code The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from your repository :) git clone git:// AUTHOR Mark Gardner COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by ZipRecruiter. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.