NAME OpenCL - bindings to, well, OpenCL SYNOPSIS use OpenCL; DESCRIPTION This is an early release which is not useful yet. HELPFUL RESOURCES The OpenCL spec used to dveelop this module (1.2 spec was available, but no implementation was available to me :). OpenCL manpages: EXAMPLES Enumerate all devices and get contexts for them; for my $platform (OpenCL::platforms) { warn $platform->info (OpenCL::PLATFORM_NAME); warn $platform->info (OpenCL::PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS); for my $device ($platform->devices) { warn $device->info (OpenCL::DEVICE_NAME); my $ctx = $device->context_simple; # do stuff } } Get a useful context and a command queue: my $dev = ((OpenCL::platforms)[0]->devices)[0]; my $ctx = $dev->context_simple; my $queue = $ctx->command_queue_simple ($dev); Create a buffer with some predefined data, read it back synchronously, then asynchronously: my $buf = $ctx->buffer_sv (OpenCL::MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, "helmut"); $queue->enqueue_read_buffer ($buf, 1, 1, 3, my $data); warn $data; my $ev = $queue->enqueue_read_buffer ($buf, 0, 1, 3, my $data); $ev->wait; warn $data; Print all supported image formats: for my $type (OpenCL::MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, OpenCL::MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D) { say "supported image formats for ", OpenCL::enum2str $type; for my $f ($ctx->supported_image_formats (0, $type)) { printf " %-10s %-20s\n", OpenCL::enum2str $f->[0], OpenCL::enum2str $f->[1]; } } Create and build a program, then create a kernel out of one of its functions: my $src = ' __kernel void squareit (__global float *input, __global float *output) { size_t id = get_global_id (0); output [id] = input [id] * input [id]; } '; my $prog = $ctx->program_with_source ($src); eval { $prog->build ($dev); 1 } or die $prog->build_info ($dev, OpenCL::PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG); my $kernel = $prog->kernel ("squareit"); Create some input and output float buffers, then call squareit on them: my $input = $ctx->buffer_sv (OpenCL::MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, pack "f*", 1, 2, 3, 4.5); my $output = $ctx->buffer (0, OpenCL::SIZEOF_FLOAT * 5); # set buffer $kernel->set_buffer (0, $input); $kernel->set_buffer (1, $output); # execute it for all 4 numbers $queue->enqueue_nd_range_kernel ($kernel, undef, [4], undef); # enqueue a barrier ot ensure in-order execution (not really needed in this case) $queue->enqueue_barrier; # enqueue an async read (could easily be blocking here though), then wait for it: my $ev = $queue->enqueue_read_buffer ($output, 0, 0, OpenCL::SIZEOF_FLOAT * 4, my $data); $ev->wait; # print the results: say join ", ", unpack "f*", $data; AUTHOR Marc Lehmann