NAME XML::Parser::Style::EasyTree - Parse xml to simple tree VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use XML::Parser; my $p = XML::Parser->new( Style => 'EasyTree' ); EXAMPLE will be # ... SPECIAL VARIABLES $TEXT{ATTR} [ = '-' ] Allow to set prefix for name of attribute nodes; # will be item => { -attr => 'value' }; # with $TEXT{ATTR} = '+'; # will be item => { '+attr' => 'value' }; $TEXT{NODE} [ = '#text' ] Allow to set name for text nodes Text value # will be item => { sub => { -attr => "t" }, #text => 'Text value' }; # with $TEXT{NODE} = ''; # will be item => { sub => { -attr => "t" }, '' => 'Text value' }; %FORCE_ARRAY Allow to force nodes to be represented always as arrays. If name is empty string, then ot means ALL Text value # will be item => { sub => { -attr => "t" }, #text => 'Text value' }; # with $FORCE_ARRAY{sub} = 1; # will be item => { sub => [ { -attr => "t" } ], #text => 'Text value' }; # with $FORCE_ARRAY{''} = 1; # will be item => [ { sub => [ { -attr => "t" } ], #text => 'Text value' } ]; %FORCE_HASH Allow to force text-only nodes to be represented always as hashes. If name is empty string, then ot means ALL Text valueText value # will be item => { sub => 'Text value', any => 'Text value' }; # with $FORCE_HASH{sub} = 1; # will be item => { sub => { #text => 'Text value' }, any => 'Text value' }; # with $FORCE_HASH{''} = 1; # will be item => { sub => { #text => 'Text value' }, any => { #text => 'Text value' } }; @STRIP_KEY Allow to strip something from tag names by regular expressions Text value # will be 'a:item' => { 'b:sub' => 'Text value' }; # with @STRIP_KEY = (qr/^[^:]+:/); # will be 'item' => { 'sub' => 'Text value' }; AUTHOR Mons Anderson, BUGS None known COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.