App::ZFSCurses ============== a curses UI to display and/or change ZFS datasets properties. Quickstart ---------- App::ZFSCurses is available on `CPAN `_ and can be installed using `cpanm `_. .. code-block:: console $ cpanm App::ZFSCurses Once installed, start App::ZFSCurses with the following command: .. code-block:: console $ zfscurses Needless to say you must use the ZFS filesystem for zfscurses to work. In case you don't, a warning will show up and the application will automatically exit. Backend ------- App::ZFScurses leverages the `zfs` command to do the heavy lifting and to present information in a comprehensive way to the user. Precisely, two subcommands are heavily used: - `zfs list -t filesystem` - `zfs get all dataset` Navigation ---------- App::ZFSCurses is built with `Curses::UI `_. To navigate around the UI, use the following keystrokes: - **Up/Down** → move the cursor up or down. - **Enter/Space** → validate selection. - **Tab** → change focus around. - **Ctrl+q** → quit the UI. - **F1** → when browsing a dataset properties, F1 will show a help message about the selected property. You must first select a property using Enter/Space. Screenshots ----------- What does it look like in practice? See the `project's wiki `_. License ------- 3-clause BSD.