README for PDL::CCS ABSTRACT PDL::CCS - Sparse N-dimensional PDLs with Harwell-Boeing compressed column storage REQUIREMENTS * PDL >= v2.4.2 * PDL::VectorValued >= v0.03 DESCRIPTION PDL::CCS is a set of perl modules for representation and manipulation of large sparse n-dimensional numeric arrays using PDL. It includes a perl class implementing a subset of the PDL API for memory-efficient storage and operations on large sparse arrays, as well as utilities for extracting Harwell-Boeing compressed column- and/or row-storage "pointers" from/to indexND() vector lists. BUILDING Build this module as you would any perl module, by doing something akin to the following: gzip -dc distname-XX.YY.tar.gz | tar -xof - cd distname-XX.YY/ perl Makefile.PL make make test # optional make install See perlmodinstall(1) for details. AUTHOR Bryan Jurish COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved. This package is free software, and entirely without warranty. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.