README for Text::Metaphone Version 0.02 revision 1.2 date: 1997/12/02 13:54:23; WARNING! This module is not yet ready for prime-time! Play with it, but for god's sake, don't put it in any production code. I'm just throwing it into the ring to see if I get any reaction. ("But there were only a few flipper-babies!") Metaphone is an algorithm where-by words (or any string) are transformed into a rough approximation of its english pronunciation. Thus you can use it to find words which sound similar. The usual application for this is recovering from mispellings. INSTALLATION The usual drill... perl MakeFile.PL or perl MakeFile.PL PREFIX=/path/to/your/home/dir then make make install No, there are no tests yet. Use at your own risk, yadda, yadda, yadda.