Math::MatrixReal::Ext1 is an extension that adds the methods new_from_cols new_from_rows to Math::MatrixReal. The basic idea is to have a way of creating a matrix from array refs rather than just the current new_from_string methods (see the code examples below). I just called it Ext1 (Math::MatrixReal::Ext1) for "extension 1" because I couldn't think of a better name (I thought of a few--"NewNews", for example, but didn't think that everyone else would find that funny). This extension is available on my website at where you will also find an html version of the pod, some of which I have pasted in below. The new_from_* functions also take row and column vectors of type Math::MatrixReal and create matrices from them. Personally, I hope that these methods go into the main body so that they don't have to be maintained separately, and then this module can disappear. As I mention in the full documentation, if you are thinking of using this module, you might want to check out Math::Pari for a more powerful and extensive mathematics package. It installs with the standard make, make test, make install sequence. Here is a snippet of the pod: NAME Math::MatrixReal::Ext1 - Minor extensions to Math::MatrixReal SYNOPSIS use Math::MatrixReal::Ext1; $ident3x3 = Math::MatrixReal::Ext1->new_from_cols( [ [1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1] ] ); $upper_tri = Math::MatrixReal::Ext1->new_from_rows( [ [1,1,1],[0,1,1],[0,0,1] ] ); $col1 = Math::MatrixReal->new_from_string("[ 1 ]\n[ 3 ]\n[ 5 ]\n"); $col2 = Math::MatrixReal->new_from_string("[ 2 ]\n[ 4 ]\n[ 6 ]\n"); $mat = Math::MatrixReal::Ext1->new_from_cols( [ $col1, $col2 ] );