NAME Object::Remote - Call methods on objects in other processes or on other hosts SYNOPSIS Creating a connection: use Object::Remote; my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('myserver'); # invokes ssh Calling a subroutine: my $capture = IPC::System::Simple->can::on($conn, 'capture'); warn $capture->('uptime'); Using an object: my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on($conn); $eval->eval(q{my $x = `uptime`}); warn $eval->eval(q{$x}); Importantly: 'myserver' only requires perl 5.8+ - no non-core modules need to be installed on the far side, Object::Remote takes care of it for you! DESCRIPTION Object::Remote allows you to create an object in another process - usually one running on another machine you can connect to via ssh, although there are other connection mechanisms available. The idea here is that in many cases one wants to be able to run a piece of code on another machine, or perhaps many other machines - but without having to install anything on the far side. COMPONENTS Object::Remote The "main" API, which provides the "connect" method to create a connection to a remote process/host, "new::on" to create an object on a connection, and "can::on" to retrieve a subref over a connection. Object::Remote::Connection The object representing a connection, which provides the "remote_object" in Object::Remote::Connection and "remote_sub" in Object::Remote::Connection methods that are used by "new::on" and "can::on" to return proxies for objects and subroutines on the far side. Object::Remote::Future Code for dealing with asynchronous operations, which provides the "start::method" in Object::Remote::Future syntax for calling a possibly asynchronous method without blocking, and "await_future" in Object::Remote::Future and "await_all" in Object::Remote::Future to block until an asynchronous call completes or fails. METHODS connect my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('-'); # fork()ed connection my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('myserver'); # connection over ssh my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('user@myserver'); # connection over ssh my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('root@'); # connection over sudo new::on my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on($conn); my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on('myserver'); # implicit connect my $obj = Some::Class->new::on($conn, %args); # with constructor arguments can::on my $hostname = Sys::Hostname->can::on($conn, 'hostname'); my $hostname = Sys::Hostname->can::on('myserver', 'hostname'); SUPPORT IRC: #web-simple on AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) CONTRIBUTORS phaylon - Robert Sedlacek (cpan:PHAYLON) SPONSORS Parts of this code were paid for by Socialflow L Shadowcat Systems L COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012 the Object::Remote "AUTHOR", "CONTRIBUTORS" and "SPONSORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.