NAME Rakudo::Star - install Rakudo Star from CPAN SYNOPSIS This module is here as a version container - see Rakudo::Star::Paths for documentation of how to find the install. DESCRIPTION Basically, this module convinces MakeMaker to build a bundled version of 's "Star" release, then provides a way to find it on disk. Note that since parrot is not relocatable, the rakudo install is not relocatable - so putting it in a local::lib dir and then "mv"-ing that directory is not going to work yet. Sorry. AUTHORS OF RAKUDO See for the Rakudo project. The following author, copyright and license information applies only to the Rakudo::Star installation code. AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) CONTRIBUTORS None yet, because nobody's broken it yet. I'm sure they will shortly. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012 the Rakudo::Star "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself; for the licensing of rakudo, please see