Windows Dial-up internet connection sharing connect/disconnect. By Mujiburger Included files: connect.html connecting.html disconnecting.html dialerrors.txt readme.txt This script came about because windows 2000 mishandles shared dialup connections on a regular basis and because there are still places in the world (The mountains of North Carolina) where broadband is not an option AND because in those places when you are taking a vacation you have time to sit around and hack something like this out. Dial-on-Demand only works when it feels like it and if you have kids in the house you are bound to have some annoying software running on a computer somewhere that constantly tries to connect triggering the connection to dial. That being said... INSTALL: This script was written very quickly for personal use so it has only been tested in this environment: Windows 2000 Server Active State ActivePERL 5.8 IIS I’m also on a little ad-hoc wireless network of 5 laptops…. Not that it matters. The script assumes that you have all of these things running with default settings and that IIS is properly configured to send .pl files to PERL for processing. It also assumes that rasdial.exe and ping.exe are both in their default location: /winnt/system32/ and that the dial up connection is named ‘connect’ and that internet connection sharing is set up properly… you should probably also make sure that dial on demand is not turned on. If that is all done then installation is pretty easy… Uncompress the script… all the .html files should be in your root directory (wwwpub) and everything else should go into ‘scripts’ which is one directory up from wwwpub. Connect.html can be renamed to whatever you want it to be. Now you can connect and disconnect the dial up connection from any computer on the network by using a web browser to pull up connect.html… it should be noted that any security or other issues arising from the use of this script are your problem… use it at your own risk.