# NAME Plack::Middleware::Debug::Catalyst::Template - storing profiling information on template use. # VERSION 1.00 # SYNOPSIS To activate this panel: plack_middlewares: Debug: - panels - - Catalyst::Template Or in your app.psgi, something like: builder { enable 'Debug', panels => ['Catalyst::Template']; $app; }; # DESCRIPTION This middleware adds timers around calls to ["process" in Template::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template::Context#process) to track the time spent rendering the template and the layout for the page. # HOOKS Subclass this module and implement the below functions if you wish to change its behaviour. * `show_pathname` Return true if the panel should show the path name rather than the template name, or false to have the path name in a title attribute. * `hook_pathname` This function can alter the full template path name provided to it for display. * `ignore_template` If you don't want output for any particular template, test for it here. Return true to ignore. # SUPPORT You can look for information on GitHub at . # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module is based on a combination of Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::TemplateTimer and Template::Timer. # AUTHOR Matthew Somerville, `` # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017 Matthew Somerville. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Public License v3, or the Artistic License 2.0. See for more information.