INTRODUCTION: Inline::Python -- Write Perl subroutines in Python. Inline::Python lets you write Perl subroutines and classes in Python. You don't have to use any funky techniques for sharing most types of data between the two languages, either. Inline::Python comes with its own data translation service. It converts any Python structures it knows about into Perl structures, and vice versa. Example: use Inline Python => <<'END'; def JAxH(x): return "Just Another %s Hacker" % x END print JAxH('Inline'), "\n"; When run, this complete program prints: Just Another Inline Hacker. The one line version is: perl -le 'use Inline Python=>q{def JAxH(x):return"Just Another %s Hacker"%x};print JAxH+Inline' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES: Inline::Python version 0.14 is a minor upgrade with the following changes: + Added ability to pass binary strings between Perl & Python. Previously, the length of the string was calculated using strlen(). Inline::Python version 0.13 is a minor upgrade with the following changes: + Win32 code added to Makefile.PL to search for Python library and includes. + GNU macro extensions removed to enable building under MSVC++. Other features of Inline::Python include: = Automatically interprets your Python code in an embedded interpreter. = Interrogates the Python interpreter about the namespace. = Caches the namespace so that subsequent runs load faster. = Translates Perl data into Python data on-the-fly. = Support for directly accessing the Python interpreter from Perl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: This module requires version 0.30 or higher to be installed. To install Inline::Python do this: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.) You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROUBLESHOOTING: Python and Perl are very different beasts. Perl does "true" dynamic loading, so if you don't use a package you don't have to load it. Embedding Python seems to require that you link in all packages that Python *could* use. I'm not sure why this occurs yet. The solution I have so far is to look at which libraries Python has built into it, and include those into your project. This makes loading Python slower, but does not affect execution speed. Read the file TESTED and look for a setup similar to yours. The most likely cause of problems is compile flags being set wrong. You *may* have to edit Makefile.PL and type in extra compilation flags. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION: - For more information on Inline::Python see 'perldoc Inline::Python'. - For information about, see 'perldoc Inline'. - For information on using Python or the Python C API, visit The Inline::Python mailing list is Send mail to to subscribe. Please send questions and comments to "Neil Watkiss" Copyright (c) 2000, Neil Watkiss. All Rights Reserved.