INTRODUCTION: Inline::Python -- Write Perl subs and classes in Python. Inline::Python lets you write Perl subroutines and classes in Python. You don't have to use any funky techniques for sharing most types of data between the two languages, either. Inline::Python comes with its own data translation service. It converts any Python structures it knows about into Perl structures, and vice versa. Example: use Inline Python => <<'END'; def JAxH(x): return "Just Another %s Hacker" % x END print JAxH('Inline'), "\n"; When run, this complete program prints: Just Another Inline Hacker. The almost-one-line version is: perl -le 'use Inline Python=>q{def JAxH(x):return"Just Another %s Hacker"%x};print JAxH+Inline' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: This module requires version 0.43 or higher to be installed. In addition, you need Python 1.5.2 or greater installed. Python 2.0 or greater is recommended. To install Inline::Python do this: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.) You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION: - For more information on Inline::Python see 'perldoc Inline::Python'. - For information about, see 'perldoc Inline'. - For information on using Python or the Python C API, visit The Inline::Python mailing list is Send mail to to subscribe. Please send questions and comments to "Neil Watkiss" Copyright (c) 2000, Neil Watkiss. All Rights Reserved.