# NAME Weather::Meteo - Interface to [https://open-meteo.com](https://open-meteo.com) for historical weather data # VERSION Version 0.01 # SYNOPSIS use Weather::Meteo my $meteo = Weather::Meteo->new(); my $weather = $meteo->weather({ latitude => '0.1', longitude => '0.2', date => '2022-12-25' }); # DESCRIPTION Weather::Meteo provides an interface to open-meteo.com for historical weather data # METHODS ## new my $meteo = Weather::Meteo->new(); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->env_proxy(1); $meteo = Weather::Meteo->new(ua => $ua); ## weather # Print snowfall at 1AM on Christmas morning in Ramsgate $weather = $meteo->weather({ latitude => 51.34, longitude => 1.42, date => '2022-12-25' }); my @snowfall = @{$weather->{'hourly'}->{'snowfall'}}; print 'Number of cms of snow: ', $snowfall[1], "\n"; ## ua Accessor method to get and set UserAgent object used internally. You can call _env\_proxy_ for example, to get the proxy information from environment variables: $geo_coder->ua()->env_proxy(1); You can also set your own User-Agent object: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent::Throttled->new(); $ua->throttle('geocoder.ca' => 1); $geo_coder->ua($ua); # AUTHOR Nigel Horne, `` This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Lots of thanks to the folks at [https://open-meteo.com](https://open-meteo.com). # BUGS # SEE ALSO # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2023 Nigel Horne. This program is released under the following licence: GPL2