Authen::PAM Version 0.06 1999-May-19 Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Nikolay Pelov. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. DESCRIPTION =========== This module provides a Perl interface to the PAM library. PREREQUISITES ============= Before you can build Authen::PAM you need to have the following things installed on your system: * Perl, at least version 5.003_23 * This module is known to work with the following implementations of the PAM library: - Linux-PAM - Solaris 2.6 - FreeBSD 3.1 The Linux-PAM home page is BUILDING AND INSTALLING THE MODULE ================================== Assuming you have met all the prerequisites, you can built the module using the following sequence of commands: ./configure make make test make install If the name of your perl executable is different than `perl' and/or it is not located in your $PATH then use the following: PERL=/path_to_perl/perl_name ./configure If you have any problems in building and installing the module then you should first check on the home page of the Authen::PAM module at address for the latest development version (if any) which could possibly fix your problems. If none is avaliable or the problems remain then you can write me a mail which includes the following information: * the version of your unix `uname -a' * the version of the perl `perl -V' * if you are on linux: - which distribution you are using - the the version of the pam `ls /lib/libpam*' or `ls /usr/lib/libpam*' * the description of the "login" service from your pam configuration usually found in `/etc/pam.conf' file or in the file `/etc/pam.d/login' * the output of the `./configure', `make' and `make test' KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== Buggy glibc2 ------------ Some of the first versions of the glibc2 libraries have a bug in the dlopen function which will prevent this module from working. If you are using an original RedHat 5.0 distribution then you probably have this problem. I know that the bug is fixed in at least version 2.0.7-6 of the glibc2 library. Perl version 5.004_03 --------------------- If you are using perl, version 5.004_03 then you will probably see the following error during the compilation of PAM.xs file to PAM.c: PAM.c:NNN: invalid format `#line' directive. This is caused by a bug in the perl xsubpp compiler. The simpliest way to solve this problem is to open the file PAM.c, delete the line with the error and run make again. The other solution is to patch your xsubpp compiler. Go to your perl directory (usually /usr/lib/perl5 or /usr/local/lib/perl5) and apply the patch xsubpp-1.9504.patch. AUTHOR ====== Nikolay Pelov The original distribution site of this module is