Chart::GnuPlot - 26/8/1998 Version 0.01 This module provides an easy way produce gnuplot graphs (only gif so far). You will require Gnuplot to be installed on your system and to modify line 16 or 19 of to reflect the location of the executable (sorry!). Your gnuplot should be able to produce gifs, you can tell if it supports them by starting gnuplot and typing; set terminal see or for more on Gnuplot A good example of the modules can be seen in Bye for now, Nick Peskett - ********************** OPTIONS (* = mandatory) data * a reference to an array of array of arrays; [ [ # data set 1 [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 3 ], ], [ # data set 2 [ 0, -4 ], [ 1, -7 ], ], ] plots * a reference to a array of hashes. Each hash should be in the following format; [ { 'title' => 'title of the series'. 'data' => index of dataset to use (defaults to 0). 'columns' => [ array of column numbers to use for the graph ]. 'type' => 'errorbars' or 'lines' etc. }, { etc..... }, ] title the title of the graph. title_font the font to use for title. xtitle title of x axis xtitle_font the font to use for xtitle. ytitle title of x axis ytitle_font the font to use for xtitle. tl_label label at top left of image. tl_label_font the font to use. tr_label as above but top right. tr_label_font the font to use. bl_label as above but bottom left. bl_label_font the font to use. br_label as above but bottom right. br_label_font the font to use. gnu_exe the full path to an alternative gnuplot, terminal terminal type, there should be a matching Chart::GnuPlot::Terminal:: method. size size of output image (relative to terminal type). file_name filename to use for the cache files. temp_dir directory to place the cache files. timefmt a gnuplot time format picture. xformat as above. grid on (1) or off(0). key ie. 'bottom right' (this uses gnuplot 'set key' syntax). grid_set grid setting (this uses gnuplot 'set grid' syntax). x_label_off the offset (0 - 1) that the labels should be placed from the side of the picture. y_label_off as above but top/ bottom. colours a hash that resembles (all entries are optional); { 'background' => '000000', 'foreground' => 'ffffff', 'something' => 'aaaaaa', 'series' => [ qw( 0000ff 00ff00 etc...) ], } tmargin top margin (in character spaces). rmargin right margin. bmargin bottom margin. lmargin left margin. timefmt the date picture of the datasets (this uses gnuplot 'set timefmt' syntax) xformat the format dates will be shown on the x axis (this uses gnuplot 'set format x' syntax) AUTHOR Nick Peskett -