NAME DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave - Stop, start and monitor your slaves. VERSION version 0.01 SYNOPSIS DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave issues a "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" query and returns the results to you as a HASHREF. It also includes the slave_ok() method, which is a handy shortcut to see whether your slave server requires any special attention. It doesn't do anything you can't already do for yourself, but it makes it just a little bit quicker to check on the health of your slaves. use DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave; my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh ); if ( $slave->is_stopped ) { $slave->start; if ( $slave->is_running ) { print "slave now running\n"; } else { print "cannot start stopped slave.\n"; } } If you need a quick monitor script: my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh ); $slave->max_seconds_behind_master( 30 ); if ( !$slave->slave_ok ) { # send an alert to the administrator... } For some quick debugging: use DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave; use Data::Dump qw( dump ); my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh ); dump $slave->status; print "seconds behind: " . $slave->status->{seconds_behind_master}; CONSTRUCTOR AND STARTUP new( dbh => $dbh ) Creates and returns a new DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave object. my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh ); * "dbh => $dbh" A valid database handle to your slave server is required. You'll need to pass it to the constructer: my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh ); Generally, the user will need to have the following MySQL privileges: SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT * "lc => 0|1" By default, the status variables returned by MySQL are converted to lower case. This is for readability. You may turn this off if you wish, by explicitly turning it off when you create the object: my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh, lc => 0 ); * "max_seconds_behind_master => $seconds" By default this is set to a very generous number (86400 seconds). Set this value if you'd like to take a shorter amount of time into account when checking on your health. This is strongly recommended: # Anything longer than 30 seconds is not acceptable my $slave = DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave->new( dbh => $dbh, seconds_behind_master => 30 ); If you think it's cleaner, you can also set this value *after* object creation. $slave->max_seconds_behind_master(30); SUBROUTINES/METHODS status Returns a HASHREF of the MySQL slave status variables. These vars will, by default, be converted to lower case, unless you have turned this off when you construct the object. See the lc option to new() for more info. refresh_status Issues a fresh "SLOW SLAVE STATUS" query and returns the new results of $slave->status to you. start Issues a "START SLAVE" query and returns DBI's raw return value directly to you. stop Issues a "STOP SLAVE" query and returns DBI's raw return value directly to you. slave_ok This method returns true if slave_io_running and slave_sql_running are both equal to 'Yes' AND if seconds_behind_master is <= max_seconds_behind master. is_running Returns true if both slave_io_running and slave_sql_running are set to 'Yes' is_stopped Returns true if both slave_io_running and slave_sql_running are set to 'No'. If only one of these values returns 'Yes', it's probably fair to say that the slave is in some transitional state. Neither stopped nor running may be an accurate description in this case. AUTHOR Olaf Alders, "" BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-dbix-mysql-replication-slave at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. TESTING Have a look at the source of t/connect.t if you'd like to do more extensive testing of your install. This will require that you already have a fully functional slave set up in order for the tests to pass. These tests are skipped by default, but you are encouraged to run them as part of your install process. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc DBIx::MySQL::Replication::Slave You can also look for information at: * GitHub Source Repository * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Raybec Communications for funding my work on this module and for releasing it to the world. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Olaf Alders. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.