NAME Apache2::Translation - Configuring Apache dynamically SYNOPSIS LoadModule perl_module /path/to/ PerlLoadModule Apache2::Translation PerlTransHandler Apache2::Translation TranslationEvalCache 1000 TranslationKey MyKey Database dbi:mysql:dbname:host User username Password password Singleton 1 Table tablename Key keycolumn Uri uricolumn Block blockcolumn Order ordercolumn Action actioncolumn Cachetbl cachetablename Cachecol cachecolumn Cachesize 1000 # another provider Configfile /path/to/config # export our provider parameters SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Translation::Config # configuring the WEB interface PerlModule Apache2::Translation::Admin SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Translation::Admin INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES mod_perl2: 2.0.2 recommended patch: DESCRIPTION As the name implies "Apache2::Translation" lives mostly in the URI Translation Phase. It is somehow similar to "mod_rewrite" but configuration statements are read at runtime, thus, making it possible to reconfigure a server without restarting it. The actual configuration statements are read by means of a *Translation Provider*, a Perl class offering a particular interface, see below. Currently there are 2 providers implemented, Apache2::Translation::DB and Apache2::Translation::File. There is also a WEB interface (Apache2::Translation::Admin). An Example Let's begin with an example. Given some database table: id key uri blk ord action 1 front :PRE: 0 0 Cond: $HOSTNAME !~ /^(?:www\.)xyz\.(?:com|de)$/ 2 front :PRE: 0 1 Redirect: ''.$URI, 301 3 front :PRE: 1 0 Do: $ctx->{lang}='en' 4 front :PRE: 1 1 Cond: $HOSTNAME =~ /de$/ 5 front :PRE: 1 2 Do: $ctx->{lang}='de' 6 front /static 0 0 File: $DOCROOT.'/'.$ctx->{lang}.$MATCHED_PATH_INFO 7 front /appl1 0 0 Proxy: 'http://backend/'.$ctx->{lang}.$URI 8 front /appl2 0 0 Proxy: 'http://backend/'.$URI.'?l='.$ctx->{lang} 9 front / 0 0 Config: ['AuthName "secret"'], ['AuthType Basic'] 10 back :PRE: 0 0 Cond: $r->connection->remote_ip ne '' 11 back :PRE: 0 1 Error: 403, 'Forbidden by Apache2::Translation(11)' 12 back /appl1 0 0 PerlHandler: 'My::Application1' 13 back /appl2 0 0 PerlHandler: 'My::Application2' The "id" column in this table is not really necessary. It is given to refer to single records. Well, here we have a frontend/backend configuration. The frontend records are labeled with the key "front", the backend records with "back". When a request comes in first the records with a ":PRE:" uri are examined. Suppose, a request for "" comes in. Record 1 (id=1) checks the "Host" header. The expression afer "Cond:" is evaluated as Perl code. It obviously returns true. "Cond" stands for *condition*. But how does it affect the further workflow? Here "blk" and "ord" come in. All records with the same "key", "uri" and "blk" form a block. "ord" gives an order within this block. Within a block all actions are executed up to the first condition that is false. Now, because our condition in record 1 is true the action in record 2 (within the same block) is executed. It redirects the browser with a HTTP code of 301 (MOVED PERMANENTLY) to "". When the redirected request comes back the condition in record 1 is false. Hence, the next block (key=front, uri=:PRE:, blk=1) is evaluated. First a "lang" member of a context hash is set to "en". A "Do" action is similar to a condition, only its value is ignored. Record 4 then checks if the "Host" header matches "/de$/". If so, then record 5 sets the *language* to "de". Now, the records labeled with ":PRE:" are finished. The handler starts looking for blocks labeled with the request uri. That is, it looks for a block with key=front, uri=/static/img.png. None is found. Then it cuts off the last part of the uri (/img.png), repeats the lookup and finds record 6. The "File" action sets "$r-"filename> to "$DOCROOT/en/img.png". "Apache2::Translation" provides some convenience variables. They are tied to members of the request record or to elements of $ctx. $MATCHED_PATH_INFO contains the uri part cut off ("/img.png"). More on them below. Now another round is started and the next uri part is cut off. Record 9 matches. We see a "Config" action that sets "AuthName" and "AuthType". At the end the translation handler checks if "$r-"filename> was set and returns "Apache2::Const::OK" or "Apache2::Const::DECLINED" respectively. I think that example gives a general idea, what "Apache2::Translation" does. Processing States Internally "Apache2::Translation" is implemented as a state machine. It starts in the *START* state, where some variables are initialized. From there it shifts immediately to the *PREPOC* state. Here all ":PRE:" rules are evaluated. From *PREPROC* it shifts to *PROC*. Now the rules with real uris are examined. The "/" uri is handled in a special state called *LAST ROUND*. When the *DONE* state is reached processing is finished. You can control the current state by means of the "State", "Done" and "Restart" actions. Blocks and Lists of Blocks Above, we have defined a block as all records with the same "key", "uri" and "block". The actions within a block are ordered by the "order" field. A list of blocks is then an ordered list of all blocks with the same "key" and "uri". The order is given by the "block" number. Actions An action starts with a key word optionally followed by a colon and some arguments. The key words are case insensitive. "Apache2::Translation" provides some environment for code snippets in actions. They are compiled into perl functions. The compiled result is cached. 2 variables, $r and $ctx, are provided plus a few convenience variables. $r is the current "Apache2::RequestRec". $ctx points to a hash that can be used to store arbitrary data. All keys beginning with a space character in that hash are reserved for "Apache2::Translation". Do: perl_code This is the simplest action. The Perl code is evaluated in scalar context. The return value is ignored. Cond: perl_code This is almost the same as "Do". The return value is taken as boolean. If it is false, the current block is finished. Processing continues with the next block. Key: string "string" is evaluated in scalar context. The result is assigned to the current key. The new key takes effect if the list of blocks matching the current uri is finished. For example: id key uri blk ord action 1 dflt :PRE: 0 0 Cond: $r->connection->remote_ip eq '' 2 dflt :PRE: 0 1 Key: 'spec' 3 dflt :PRE: 0 2 Do: $DEBUG=3 4 dflt :PRE: 1 0 Config: 'Options None' 5 dflt / 0 0 File: $DOCROOT.$URI 6 spec / 0 0 File: '/very/special'.$URI Here an entirely different directory tree is shown to a client with the IP address In record 2 the current key is set to "spec" if the condition in record 1 matches. Also, $DEBUG is set in this case (record 3). The next block in record 4 is executed for all clients, because the key change is not in effect, yet. Records 5 and 6 are new lists of blocks. Hence, record 6 is executed only for and record 5 for the rest. The action "Key: 'string'" is equivalent to "Do: $KEY='string'". State: string This action affects the current state directly. Thus, you can loop back to the *PREPROC* state from *PROC*. It is mostly used the prematurely finish the translation handler from the *PREPROC* state. As the "Key" action it takes effect, when the current list of blocks is finished. "string" is evaluated as perl code. It is expected to result in one of the following strings. If not, a warning is printed in the "error_log". State names are case insensitive: start preproc proc last round done The "State" action is similar to setting the convenience variable $STATE. Only in the latter case you must use the state constants, e.g. "$STATE=DONE". Last This action finishes the current list of blocks (just like a false condition finishes the current block). It is used together with "State" to finish the translation handler from a conditional block in the *PREPROC* state: :PRE: 0 0 Cond: $finish :PRE: 0 1 State: 'done' :PRE: 0 2 Last Another application of "Last" is as a return from a "Call" action, see below. Done This action is a combination of "State: next_state" and "Last". That means it shifts to the next normal state and finishes the current block list. Restart: ?uri? "Restart" restarts the processing. The optional uri argument is evaluated by perl and assigned to "$r-"uri>. Call: string, ?@params? Well, the name suggests it is calling a subroutine. Assume you have several WEB applications running on the same server, say one application for each department. Each department needs of course some kind of authorization: #uri blk ord action AUTH 0 0 Config: "AuthName \"$ARGV[0]\"" AUTH 0 1 Config: 'AuthType Basic' AUTH 0 2 Config: 'AuthUserFile /etc/htaccess/user/'.$ARGV[1] /dep1 0 0 Call: qw/AUTH Department_1 dep1/ /dep2 0 0 Call: qw/AUTH Department_2 dep2/ The "AUTH" in the "Call" actions refer to the "AUTH" block list in the "uri" column. An optional parameter list is passed via @ARGV. "Call" fetches the block list for a given uri and processes it. If a "Last" action is executed the processing of that block list is finished. Redirect: url, ?http_code? The "Redirect" action sends a HTTP redirect response to the client and abort the current request. The optional "http_code" specifies the HTTP response code. Default is 302 (MOVED TEMPORARILY). "Redirect" tries to make the outgoing "Location" header RFC2616 conform. That means if the schema part is ommitted it figures out if it has to be "http" or "https". If a relative url is given an appropriate url is computed based on the current value of $URI. If the current request is the result of an internal redirect the redirecting request's status is changed to "http_code". Thus, "Redirect" works also for "ErrorDocument"s. Error: ?http_code?, ?message? "Error" aborts the entire request. A HTTP response is sent to the client. The optional "http_code" specifies the HTTP response code. The optional "message" is logged as reason to the "error_log". "http_code" defaults to 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR), "message" to "unspecified error". Config: list_of_strings_or_arrays Surprisingly, this is the most complex action of all. This action changes the Apache configuration regarding the current request. Think of it as a kind of ".htaccess". Arguments to "Config" can be strings or arrays of one or two elements: Config: 'AuthName "secret"', ['AuthType Basic'], ['ProxyPassReverse http://...', '/path'] To understand the different meaning, you have to know about how Apache applies its configuration to a request. Hence, let's digress a little. Each Apache directive can be used in certain contexts. Some for example can occur only in server config context, that means outside any "Directory", "Location" or even "VirtualHost" container. "Listen" or "PidFile" are examples. Other directives insist on being placed in a container. Also, the point in time when a directive takes effect differs for different directives. "PidFile" is clearly be applied during server startup before any request is processed. Hence, our "Config" action cannot apply "PidFile". It's simply too late. "AllowOverride" can be applied to single requests. But since it affects the processing of ".htaccess" files it must be applied before that processing takes place. To make things even more confusing some directives take effect at several points in time. Consider Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI "FollowSymLinks" is applied when Apache looks up a file in the file system, while "ExecCGI" influences the way the response is generated ages later. Apache solves this complexity by computing a configuration for each single request. As a starting point it uses the server default configuration. That is the configuration outside any "Location" or "Directory" for a virtual host. This basic configuration is assigned to the request just between the *Uri Translation Phase* and *Map to Storage*. At the very end of *Map to Storage* Apache's core *Map to Storage* handler incorporates matching "Directory" containers and ".htaccess" files into the request's current configuration. "Location" containers are merged after *Map to Storage* is finished. Our "Config" action is applied early in *Map to Storage*. That means it affects the way Apache maps the request file name computed to the file system, because that comes later. But it also means, your static configuration (config file based) overrides our "Config" actions. This limitation can be partly overcome using "FixupConfig" instead of "Config". Now, what does the various syntaxes mean? The simplest one: #uri blk ord action /uri 0 0 Config: 'ProxyPassReverse' is very close to ProxyPassReverse Only, it is applied before any "Directory" container takes effect. Note, the location uri is the value of $MATCHED_URI, see below. This is also valid if the "Config" action is used from a "Call"ed block. The location uri is sometimes important. "ProxyPassReverse", for example, uses the path given to the location container for its own purpose. All other forms of "Config" are not influenced by $MATCHED_URI. These two: Config: ['ProxyPassReverse'] Config: ['ProxyPassReverse /path', ''] is equivalent to ProxyPassReverse Note, the location uri differs. The first one of them is also the only form of "Config" available with mod_perl before 2.0.3. The next one: Config: ['ProxyPassReverse', '/path'] is equivalent to ProxyPassReverse I have chosen "ProxyPassReverse" for this example because the "Location"-Path matters for this directive, see httpd docs. The following form of applying "ProxyPassReverse" outside of any container is not possible with "Apache2::Translation": ProxyPassReverse /path Now let's look at another example to see how "Directory" containers and ".htaccess" files are applied. "AllowOverride" controls which directives are allowed in ".htaccess" files. As said before Apache applies "Directory" containers and ".htaccess" files after our "Config" directives. Unfortunately, they are both applied in the same step. That means we can say: Config: 'AllowOverride Options' But if at least one "Directory" container from our "httpd.conf" is applied that says for example "AllowOverride AuthConfig" it will override our "Config" statement. So, if you want to control which directives are allowed in ".htaccess" files with "Apache2::Translation" then avoid "AllowOverride" in your "httpd.conf", especially the often seen: AllowOverride None Put it instead in a *PREPROC* rule: #uri blk ord action :PRE: 0 0 Config: 'AllowOverride None' So subsequent rules can override it. A similar problem exists with "Options FollowSymlinks". This option affects directly the phase when "Directory" containers are applied. Hence, any such option from the "httpd.conf" cannot be overridden by a "Config" rule. In Apache 2.2 at least up to 2.2.4 there is a bug that prevents "Config: AllowOverride Options" from working properly. The reason is an uninitialized variable that is by cause 0, see FixupConfig: list_of_strings_or_arrays Syntax and sematic of this action is equivalent to "Config". The only difference, it is applied in the fixup phase, just before the response is generated. It can be seen as a hook to override static configuration in your "httpd.conf". Suppose your "httpd.conf" contains these lines: Options None But now you want to run files contained in /web/cgi as CGI scripts. "Config: 'Options ExecCGI'" would not help because it is overridden by the directory container that is merged later. Here: FixupConfig: 'Options ExecCGI' can be used. Uri: string This action sets "$r->uri" to string. It is equivalent to Do: $URI=do{ string } File: string This action sets "$r->filename" to string. It is equivalent to Do: $FILENAME=do{ string } Proxy: ?url? This tells Apache to forward the request to "url" as a proxy. "url" is optional. If ommitted "$r->unparsed_uri" is used. That means Apache must be used as a proxy by the browser. CgiScript: ?string? is equivalent to Do: $r->handler( 'cgi-script' ); FixupConfig: ['Options ExecCGI'] If "string" is given it is evaluated and the result is assigned to "$r->filename". PerlScript: ?string? is equivalent to Do: $r->handler( 'perl-script' ); FixupConfig: ['Options ExecCGI'], ['PerlOptions +ParseHeaders'] If "string" is given it is evaluated and the result is assigned to "$r->filename". PerlHandler: string This action checks that either "modperl" or "perl-script" is set as handler for the request. If not, "modperl" is set. "string" is evaluated as Perl code. The result is expected to be a package name or a fully qualified function name. If a package name is given "::handler" is appended to build a fully qualified function name. The action checks if the function is defined. If not, it tries to load the appropriate module. The function is the used as "PerlResponseHandler". Further, a "PerlMapToStorageHandler" is installed that skips the handling of "Directory" containers and ".htaccess" files. If not set, this handler also sets "path_info". Assumed, #uri blk ord action /some/path 0 0 PerlHandler: ... and a request comes in for "/some/path/foo/bar". Then "path_info" is set to "/foo/bar". Convenience Variables and Data Structures These variables are tied to elements of the current request ($r) or the current context hash ($ctx). Reading them returns the current value, setting changes it. $URI = "$r->uri" $REAL_URI = "$r->unparsed_uri" $METHOD = "$r->method" $QUERY_STRING = "$r->args" $FILENAME = "$r->filename" $DOCROOT = "$r->document_root" $HOSTNAME = "$r->hostname" $PATH_INFO = "$r->path_info" for more information see Apache2::RequestRec. $MATCHED_URI = "$ctx->{' uri'}" $MATCHED_PATH_INFO = "$ctx->{' pathinfo'}" While in "PROC" state the incoming uri is split in 2 parts. The first part is matching the "uri" field of a database record. The second part is the rest. They can be accessed as $MATCHED_URI and $MATCHED_PATH_INFO. $KEY = "$ctx->{' key'}" the current key. $STATE = "$ctx->{' state'}" the current processing state. $RC = "$ctx->{' rc'}" Normally, "Apache2::Translation" checks at the end if "$r->filename" is set. If so, it returns "Apache2::Const::OK" to its caller. If not, "Apache2::Const::DECLINED" is returned. The first alternative signals that the *Uri Translation Phase* is done and no further handlers are called in this phase. The second alternative signals that subsequent handlers are to be called. Thus, "mod_alias" or even the core translation handler see the request. Setting $RC your action decide what is returned. $RC is also set by the "PerlHandler" action. Modperl generated responses are normally not associated with a single file on disk. $DEBUG = "$ctx->{' debug'}" If set to 1 or 2 debugging output is sent to the "error_log". APACHE CONFIGURATION DIRECTIVES After installed and loaded by PerlLoadModule Apache2::Translation in your "httpd.conf" "Apache2::Translation" is configured with the following directives: ... Currently there is only one provider class implemented, "Apache2::Translation::DB". Hence, "class" is always "DB" or "Apache2::Translation::DB". The ellipsis represents configuration lines formatted as NAME VALUE These lines parameterise the the provider. "NAME" is case insensitive and is converted to lowercase before passed to the provider object. Spaces round "VALUE" are stripped off. If "VALUE" begins and ends with the same quotation character (double quote or single quote) they are also stripped off. The provider object is then created by: $class->new( NAME1=>VALUE1, NAME2=>VALUE2, ... ); There are currently 2 providers implemented. One is based on a database the other on a human readable flat file for storage. The "File" provider expects: configfile=/path/to/file the configuration file. notesdir=/path/to/directory a directory where comments to the configuration can be stored. Only valid in combination with the admin interface. The following parameters are expected by the "DB" provider: database=DSN a string describing a DBI database user=NAME password=PW the user and password to use table=NAME names the translation table. key=NAME uri=NAME block=NAME order=NAME action=NAME id=NAME notes=NAME name the columns of the translation table to use. The "id" and "notes" columns are necessary only in combination with the admin interface. The "id" column if specified must have a default value on "INSERT" generating unique keys, something like "autoincrement" in MySQL or "nextval('sequence')" in PostgreSQL. cachetbl=NAME cachecol=NAME name the cache table and its column cachesize=NUMBER|infinite sets the maximum number of cached block lists, default is 1000. If set to "infinite" the cache has no limits. A Tie::Cache::LRU cache is used. "Apache2::Translation::DB" caches database entries as lists of blocks. Each list of blocks consumes one cache entry. For each request first the following lookup is done: SELECT MAX($cachecol) FROM $cachetbl The resulting value is then compared with the previous read value. If it has changed, it means the cache is invalid. If not, the cache is valid and if all information is found in the cache, no further database lookups are needed. singleton=BOOLEAN Normally, "Apache2::Translation" tries to connect to the database at server startup. Then it inspects the database handle to see if "Apache::DBI" or "Apache::DBI::Cache" are loaded. If so, it will connect and disconnect for each translation phase / request, thus, put back the connection to the connection pool. If neither of them is loaded the DB connection is used as a singleton. It is connected once at server startup and then held open (and reconnected if dropped by the database server). With the optional "singleton" parameter you can decide to use a singleton connection even if a connection pool is in effect. If no connection pool is loaded, then of course setting "singleton" to false has no effect. TranslationProvider class param1 param2 ... This is an alternative way to specify translation provider parameters. Each parameter is expected to be a string formatted as NAME=VALUE There must be no spaces around the equal sign. The list is passed to the constructor of the provider class as named parameters: $class->new( NAME1=>VALUE1, NAME2=>VALUE2, ... ); TranslationKey initial-key This sets the initial value for the key. Default is the string "default". TranslationEvalCache number "Apache2::Translation" compiles all code snippets into functions and caches these functions. Normally, an ordinary hash is used for this. Strictly speaking this is a memory hole if your translation table changes. I think that can be ignored, if the number of requests per worker is limited, see "MaxRequestsPerChild". If you think this is too lax, put a number here. If set the cache is tied to Tie::Cache::LRU. The number of cached code snippets will then be limited by "number". Exporting our provider parameters "Apache2::Translation" can export its provider parameters by means of the PerlResponseHandler "Apache2::Translation::Config". This handler is implemented in the same "Apache2::Translation" module. So there is no need for another PerlModule statement. Simply configure the handler for some location: SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Translation::Config Now our provider parameters are accessible in YAML format via http://host/-/config, e.g.: $ curl http://localhost/-/config --- TranslationEvalCache: 1000 TranslationKey: default TranslationProvider: - File - configfile - /path/to/config This format can be used by the WEB interface "Apache2::Translation::Admin" to connect to the provider. The WEB administration interface The simplest way to configure the WEB interface is this: PerlModule Apache2::Translation::Admin SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Translation::Admin Note, here an extra PerlModule statement is necessary. If nothing else specified the provider that has handled the current request is used. Note, there is a slash at the end of the location statement. It is necessary to be specified. Also, the URL given to the browser to reach the WEB interface must end with a slash or with "/index.html". Another provider is given by creating an "Apache2::Translation::Admin" object: $My::Transadmin=Apache2::Translation::Admin->new (provider_spec=>[File, ConfigFile=>'/path/to/config']); SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler $My::Transadmin->handler Here the provider is specified in a way similar to the "TranslationProvider" statement above. Also, an URL can be given that links to an exported parameter set: $My::Transadmin=Apache2::Translation::Admin->new (provider_url=>'http://host/config'); In this case "LWP::UserAgent" is used to fetch the parameters. Or you can create the provider object by yourself and pass it: use Apache2::Translation::File; $My::Transadmin=Apache2::Translation::Admin->new (provider=>Apache2::Translation::File->new (configfile=>'/path/to/config')); SUPPORTED MPMS This module has been testet with both "prefork" and "worker" MPMs. Under the worker-MPM the "PerlInterpScope" configuration statement influences it's work. With the default "PerlInterpScope request" and with "PerlInterpScope subrequest" it works smoothly. With "PerlInterpScope handler" it does work but at least up to mod_perl 2.0.3 a patch is needed. At the time of this writing I hope this thread: will lead to a solution. With "PerlInterpScope connection" the test suite fails. By the way, different "PerlInterpScope"s save "request" are not covered by the mod_perl test suite in any way. So, don't rely on them! IMPLEMENTING A NEW PROVIDER A provider must support the following methods: new( NAME=>VALUE, ... ) the constructor. It is called once from the master Apache during its configuration. child_init This method is optional. If defined it is called from a "PerlChildInitHandler" and can be used to do some initializations. The "DB" provider connects here to the database and decides to use a singleton or not. start This method is called at start of each uri translation. The DB provider checks the cache here. stop is called after each uri translation. fetch( $key, $uri, $with_notes ) is called to fetch a list of blocks. The result is a list of arrays: ([block, order, action], [block, order, action], ...) If the adminstration WEB interface is to be used "fetch" must return a list of: ([block, order, action, id], [block, order, action, id], ...) where "id" is a unique key. If the $with_notes parameter is true "fetch" is called from the admin interface and wants to fetch also notes. In this case the return value is a list like this: ([block, order, action, id, note], [block, order, action, id, note], ...) Notes are comments on actions for the user of the admin interface. They are not evaluated otherwize. The following interface is optional. It has to be implemented if the provider is to be used also with the administration WEB interface. can_notes returns true if a provider supports notes in its current configuration. list_keys returns a sorted list of known keys. list_keys_and_uris( $key ) $key is a string. The function returns a sorted list of "[KEY, URI]" pairs. If $key is empty all pairs are returned. Otherwise only pairs where "$key eq KEY" are returned. begin commit rollback A change conducted via the WEB interface is a sequence of "update", "insert" or "delete" operations. Before it is started "begin" is called. If there has no error occured "commit" is called otherwise "rollback". "commit" must save the changes to the storage. "rollback" must cancel all changes. update( [@old], [@new] ) insert( [@new] ) delete( [@old] ) All these functions return something >0 on success. @old is a list of "KEY, URI, BLOCK, ORDER, ID" that specifies an existing action. If there is no such action the functions must return 0. @new is a list of "KEY, URI, BLOCK, ORDER, ACTION" that is to be inserted or has to replace an existing action. SEE ALSO mod_perl: AUTHOR Torsten Foertsch, SPONSORING Sincere thanks to Arvato Direct Services ( for sponsoring the initial version of this module. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Torsten Foertsch This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.