## ZHOUYI-ZhanBu ZHUYI::ZhanBu (周易占卜) - A util of ZHOUYI modules,divination to judge for the future using YI's Gua(卦) or tuan(彖)info! ## SYNOPSIS use ZHOUYI::ZhanBu; my ( $gnum, $bgnum, $byao, $bgua ) = qigua(); print jiegua( $gnum, $bgnum, $byao, $bgua ) ... ### the outer like : 卦:《易經》第三十二卦恆雷風恆震上巽下 恆,亨,無咎,利貞,利有攸往。 《彖》曰:恆,久也。剛上而柔下,雷風相與,巽而動,剛柔皆應,恆。「恆,亨,無咎,利貞」,久於其道也,天地之道,恆久而不已也。「利有攸往」,終則有始也。日月得天而能久照,四時變化而能久成,聖人久於其道而天下化成。觀其所恆,而天地萬物之情可見矣! 《象》曰:雷風,恆。君子以立不易方。 爻:六五:恆其德,貞婦人吉,夫子凶。 《象》曰:婦人貞吉,從一而終也。夫子制義,從婦凶也 #### You can using in oneline as you like: $ perl -MZHOUYI::ZhanBu -pe 'jiegua(qigua())' #or just use: $ perl -MZHOUYI::ZhanBu -pe 'print pu()' ## 利用Mojo::webqq插件形式交互式占卜。 #### Using this plugin I Successful predicted the United States election。 插件example/Pu.pm(关于Mojo::webqq详见 https://github.com/sjdy521/Mojo-Webqq) ![成功预测美帝大选](example/zhanpu.jpg) 如上图图显示预测提前两天预测到美国大选明主党候选人: 九四。鼎折足,覆公餗,其形渥,凶。 象曰:覆公餗,信如何也。 北宋易学家邵雍解: 凶:得此爻者,多灾之时,或生足疾。做官的有被贬职之忧。 结果非常靠谱。 ## DESCRIPTION ZHOUYI::ZhanBu (周易占卜) - A util of ZHOUYI modules,divination to judge for the future using YI's Gua(卦) or tuan(彖)info! ZHOUYI-ZhanBu is not standardized. This module is far from complete. ## Git repo [Github](http://github.com/bollwarm/ZHOUYI-ZhanBu) [oschina](https://git.oschina.net/ijz/ZHOUYI-ZhanBu) ## AUTHOR [orange](bollwarm@ijz.me), [虫虫之家Blog](http://ijz.me) ## COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 桔子 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.