INTRODUCTION: Nagios::Config - Parse Nagios configuration files Example: use Nagios::Config ; my $nc = new Nagios::Config("/usr/local/nagios/nagios.cfg") ; foreach ($nc->get_objects('host')){ print $_->get('host_name') . "\n" ; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: To install Nagios::Config do this: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES: WARNING: THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE. It is incomplete and possibly unreliable. It is also possible that some elements of the interface (API) will change in future releases. Nagios::Config 0.01 includes: + Extracts information form all template-based object types. + Expands all templates "use"d. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION: For more information on Nagios::Config, see 'perldoc Nagios::Config'. Nagios::Config's mailing list is To subscribe, visit Please send questions and comments to Patrick LeBoutillier . Copyright (c) 2003, Patrick LeBoutillier. All Rights Reserved.