NAME Win32::ActAcc - an Active Accessibility client for Perl SYNOPSIS use Win32::OLE; use Win32::GuiTest; use Win32::ActAcc; Win32::OLE->Initialize(); # Active Accessibility is based on COM my $hwnd_desktop = Win32::GuiTest::GetDesktopWindow(); my $ao = AccessibleObjectFromWindow($hwnd_desktop); @ch = $ao->AccessibleChildren(); # returns list of accessible objects $name = $ao->get_accName(); $rolename = Win32::ActAcc::GetRoleText($ao->get_accRole()); INSTALLATION perl nmake install nmake test Yes, 'install' before 'test'; otherwise the event-hook DLL won't be found. Surely there is a way to fix this. You need the July 2000 "Platform SDK". Earlier versions of the Active Accessibility SDK could give problems compiling. I compiled ActAcc using Visual C++ 6.0 SP 4. The test suite requires Notepad.exe on the path. In addition to the usual files for Perl extensions, the Makefile builds ActAccEM.DLL to capture WinEvents. It puts this DLL in a certain location in the Perl installation tree, which you can learn as follows: perl -e "use Config; print $Config{'scriptdirexp'}" Unfortunately, it is not under the 'site' branch of the tree. Someone with a deep and nuanced understanding of MakeMaker might help us here. To be proper, perhaps 'nmake' should put ActAccEM.DLL in the 'blib' tree, and perhaps 'nmake install' should put it in the 'site' tree. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Phill Wolf. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file of the Perl distribution. AUTHOR Phill Wolf,