README file for Perl extension XML::SAX::ExpatXS ================================================ 1. Introduction 2. Callbacks 3. Encoding 4. Known Issues 1.Introduction ------------------------------ This module is an XS only implementation of PerlSAX2 parser using Expat. XML::SAX::Expat is currently implemented as a layer over XML::Parser. This first version of this module has been created by Matt Sergeant reusing some files from XML::Parser. The current maintainer is Petr Cimprich . The wrapper is mostly completed and stable, however it must be used with caution and tested before a production deployment. Feedback of any kind would be appreciated. 2. Callbacks ------------------------------ These PerlSAX callbacks are supported and tested so far: start_document() end_document() start_element() end_element() characters() processing_instruction() start_prefix_mapping() end_prefix_mapping() set_document_locator() fatal_error() comment() start_dtd() end_dtd() start_cdata() end_cdata() element_decl attribute_decl notation_decl() unparsed_entity_decl() external_entity_decl() internal_entity_decl() start_entity() end_entity () resolve_entity() These methods are never called by XML::SAX::ExpatXS: warning() error() ignorable_whitespace() This one is deprecated but works: xml_decl() 3. Encoding ------------------------------ These charsets and encodings are supported: UTF-8 (1) UTF-16 (1) US-ASCII (1) ISO-8859-1 (1) ISO-8859-2 (2) ISO-8859-3 (2) ISO-8859-4 (2) ISO-8859-5 (2) ISO-8859-7 (2) ISO-8859-8 (2) ISO-8859-9 (2) WINDOWS-1250 (2) WINDOWS-1252 (2) BIG5 (2) EUC-KR (2) EUC-JP (2,3) Shift JIS. (2,3) (1) Expat built-in (2) external handler (3) see lib/XML/SAX/ExpatXS/Encodings/Japanese_Encodings.msg Other encodings can be added with XML::Encoding, see lib/XML/SAX/ExpatXS/Encodings/README for more info. 4. Known Issues ------------------------------ - Document locator provides the start position of content events. SAX requires the end position. - These callback isn't called yet: skipped_entity()