# NAME Statistics::Cook - Statistics::Cook # VERSION version 0.0.1 # SYNOPSIS use Statistics::Cook; my @x = qw/1 2 3 4 5 6/; my @y = qw/1 2.1 3.2 4 7 6/; my $sc = Statistics::Cook->new(x => \@x, y => \@y); ($intercept, $slope) = $sc->coefficients; my @predictedYs = $sc->fitted; my @residuals = $sc->residuals; my @cooks = $sc->cooks_distance; # DESCRIPTION The Statistics::Cook module is used to calculate cook distance of Least squares line fit does weighted or unweighted to two-dimensional data (y = a + b \* x). (This is also called linear regression.) In addition to the slope and y-intercept, the module, the predicted y values and the residuals of the y values. (See the METHODS section for a description of these statistics.) The module accepts input data in separate x and y arrays. The optional weights are input in a separate array The module is state-oriented and caches its results. you can call the other methods in any order or call a method several times without invoking redundant calculations. # NAME Statistics::Cook - calculate cook distance of Least squares line fit # LIMITATIONS The purpose of I write this module is that I could not find a module to calculate cook distance in CPAN, Therefore I just realized a minimized function of least squares and cook distance in this module # ATTRIBUTES ## x ## y ## weight ## slope ## intercept ## regress\_done # METHODS ## \_trigger\_x ## \_trigger\_y ## regress ## computeSums ## coefficients ## fitted ## residuals ## cooks\_distance ## N # AUTHOR Yan Xueqing <yanxueqing621@163.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Yan Xueqing. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.