SYNOPSIS use App::hr qw(hr); hr; Sample output: ============================================================================= hr('x----'); Sample output: x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x----x- You can also use the provided CLI hr. FUNCTIONS_TMP hr([PATTERN]) => optional STR Print (under void context) or return (under scalar/array context) a horizontal ruler with the width of the terminal. PATTERN is optional, can be multicharacter, but cannot be empty string. The defautl is =. Under Windows, when printing, will shave one character at the end because the terminal cursor will move a line down when printing at the last column. Terminal width is currently determined using Term::App::Role::Attrs, which will either use environment variable COLUMNS or detecting using Term::Size, or if all those fail, use a hard-coded default of 80.