SYNOPSIS Install this distribution, then the lcpan subcommands below will be available: # Check that a module is core/PP (without checking its prereqs) % lcpan core-or-pp JSON::MaybeXS # Check that a module and its prereqs are all core/PP % lcpan core-or-pp --with-deps JSON::MaybeXS # Check that a module and its recursive prereqs are all core/PP % lcpan core-or-pp --with-recursive-deps JSON::MaybeXS # Check that a module and its prereqs are all core % lcpan core-or-pp --with-deps --core JSON::MaybeXS # Check that a module and its prereqs are all PP % lcpan core-or-pp --with-deps --pp JSON::MaybeXS DESCRIPTION The subcommand core-or-pp checks that a module with its (recursive) (runtime requires) prereqs are all core/PP. Doing this check is useful when we want to fatpack said module along with its prereqs. SEE ALSO lcpan