NAME App::wordlist - Grep words from Games::Word::{Wordlist,Phraselist}::* VERSION This document describes version 0.03 of App::wordlist (from Perl distribution App-wordlist), released on 2014-12-05. SYNOPSIS See the included script wordlist. FUNCTIONS wordlist(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta] Grep words from Games::Word::{Wordlist,Phraselist}::*. Examples: wordlist(); By default print all words from all wordlists. wordlist( arg => ["foo", "bar"]); Print all words matching /foo/ and /bar/. wordlist( arg => ["foo", "bar"], or => 1); Print all words matching /foo/ or /bar/. wordlist( arg => ["foo"], wordlist => ["KBBI"]); Select a specific wordlist (multiple -w allowed). wordlist( arg => ["'/fof[aeiou]/'"]); Filter by regex. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * action => *str* (default: "grep") * arg => *array* * detail => *bool* Display more information when listing modules. * ignore_case => *bool* (default: 1) * or => *bool* Use OR logic instead of the default AND. * wordlist => *array* Select one or more wordlist modules. Return value: Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information. (any) TODO In -l --detail, show summary (extract from POD Name or # ABSTRACT). Support Games::Word::Phraselist::* Option --random (plus -n) to generate (or n) random word(s). Option -v (--invert-match) like grep. Implement -n (max result). SEE ALSO Games::Word::Wordlist Games::Word::Phraselist HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.