NAME Complete - Completion modules family VERSION This document describes version 0.04 of Complete (from Perl distribution Complete), released on 2014-11-27. DESCRIPTION The namespace "Complete::" is used for the family of modules that deal with completion (including, but not limited to, shell tab completion, tab completion feature in other CLI-based application, web autocomplete, completion in GUI, etc). Compared to other modules, this (family of) module(s) tries to have a clear separation between general completion routine and shell-/environment specific ones, for more reusability. This POD page gives an overview of the modules in "Complete::*" namespace. Modules "Complete::Bash::*" modules are specific to bash shell. See Complete::Bash on some of the ways to do bash tab completion with Perl. Other shells are also supported. For shell-specific information, please refer to "Complete::Zsh", "Complete::Tcsh", "Complete::Fish". Other modules usually are named after the type of completion answer they provide. For example: Complete::Unix completes username/group name, Complete::Util completes from several generic sources: "complete_array_elem" completes from an array, "complete_env" from a list of environment variables, "complete_file" from files/directories on the filesystem. "Complete::*" modules for non-shell environment (like browser or GUI) have not been developed. Please check again from time to time in the future. "complete_*()" functions The main functions that do the actual completion are the "complete_*()" functions. These functions are generic completion routines: they accept the word to be completed, zero or more other arguments, and return a completion answer structure (see "Completion answer structure"). use Complete::Util qw(complete_array_elem); my $ary = complete_array_elem(array=>[qw/apple apricot banana/], word=>'ap'); # -> ['apple', 'apricot'] Completion answer structure "complete_*()" functions can return an arrayref or hashref. An example of the arrayref form: ['apple', 'apricot'] That is, the completion answer is simply an array of words. However, each element can also be a hashref to give metadata to each entry, for example: [{word=>'apple', summary=>'A delicious fruit with thousands of varieties'}, {word=>'apricot', summary=>'Another delicious fruit'},] The "summary" can be used, e.g. by the fish shell which displays a description beside each completion. Or by other environments as they see fit. Other metadata can also be added to each entry's hashref. The second form of completion answer structure is hashref. It must contain the main key "words" which is the same structure as the arrayref above. Aside from "words", the hashref can contain extra metadata which can give hints to the formatter on how to better format/display the answer: "type", "path_sep", "escmode" etc (see Complete::Bash for example on what hints it understands). {words=>[qw/apple apricot/]} {words=>[qw/$HOME $ENV/], type=>'env'} In the second example, "Complete::Bash::format_completion()" can be instructed to produce the final result like this: $HOME $ENV However, given one of these: [qw/$HOME $ENV/] {words=>[qw/$HOME $ENV/], type=>'filename'} then "format_completion()" will produce: \$HOME \$ENV the difference is the escaping backslash for the "$" character. SEE ALSO HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.