NAME Complete::Bash::History - Complete from bash history VERSION This document describes version 0.01 of Complete::Bash::History (from Perl distribution Complete-Bash-History), released on 2014-11-30. SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS complete_cmdline_from_hist(%args) -> any Complete command line from recent entries in bash history. This routine will search your bash history file (recent first a.k.a. backward) for entries for the same command, and complete option with the same name or argument in the same position. For example, if you have history like this: cmd1 --opt1 val arg1 arg2 cmd1 --opt1 valb arg1b arg2b arg3b cmd2 --foo Then if you do: complete_cmdline_from_hist(comp_line=>'cmd1 --bar --opt1 ', comp_point=>18); then it means the routine will search for values for option "--opt1" and will return: ["val", "valb"] Or if you do: complete_cmdline_from_hist(comp_line=>'cmd1 baz ', comp_point=>9); then it means the routine will search for second argument (argv[1]) and will return: ["arg2", "arg2b"] Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * cmdline => *str* Command line, defaults to COMP_LINE. * max_hist_lines => *int* (default: 5000) Stop searching after this amount of history lines. -1 means unlimited (search all lines in the file). Timestamp comments are not counted. * max_result => *int* (default: 100) Stop after finding this number of distinct results. -1 means unlimited. * path => *str* Path to `.bash_history` file. Defaults to "~/.bash_history". If file does not exist or unreadable, will return empty completion answer. * point => *int* Command line, defaults to COMP_POINT. Return value: (any) TODO Option to search only for the last N hours/days of history (using timestamp in bash history). Find recent subcommands? e.g. git {status,log,commit} SEE ALSO Complete HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.