DESCRIPTION This module defines some common arguments and settings. Complete::* modules should use the default from these settings, to make it convenient for users to change some behaviors globally. The defaults are optimized for convenience and laziness for user typing and might change from release to release. $Complete::Common::OPT_CI => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_CI or 1) If set to 1, matching is done case-insensitively. In bash/readline, this is akin to setting completion-ignore-case. $Complete::Common::OPT_WORD_MODE => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_WORD_MODE or 1) If set to 1, enable word-mode matching. Word mode matching is normally only done when exact matching fails to return any candidate. To give you an idea of how word-mode matching works, you can run Emacs and try its completion of filenames (C-x C-f) or function names (M-x). Basically, each string is split into words and matching is tried for all available word even non-adjacent ones. For example, if you have dua-d and the choices are (dua-tiga, dua-empat, dua-lima-delapan) then dua-lima-delapan will match because d matches delapan even though the word is not adjacent. This is convenient when you have strings that are several or many words long: you can just type the word that you remember even though the word is positioned near the end of the string. $Complete::Common::OPT_FUZZY => int (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_FUZZY or 1) Enable fuzzy matching (matching even though there are some spelling mistakes). The greater the number, the greater the tolerance. To disable fuzzy matching, set to 0. Fuzzy matching is normally only done when exact matching and word-mode matching fail to return any candidate. $Complete::Common::OPT_MAP_CASE => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_MAP_CASE or 1) This is exactly like completion-map-case in readline/bash to treat _ and - as the same when matching. All Complete::Path-based modules (like Complete::File, Complete::Module, or Complete::Riap) respect this setting. $Complete::Common::OPT_EXP_IM_PATH => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_EXP_IM_PATH or 1) Whether to "expand intermediate paths". What is meant by this is something like zsh: when you type something like cd /h/u/b/myscript it can be completed to cd /home/ujang/bin/myscript. All Complete::Path-based modules (like Complete::File, Complete::Module, or Complete::Riap) respect this setting. $Complete::Common::OPT_DIG_LEAF => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_DIG_LEAF or 1) (Experimental) When enabled, this option mimics what's seen on GitHub. If a directory entry only contains a single subentry, it will directly show the subentry (and subsubentry and so on) to save a number of tab presses. Suppose you have files like this: a b/c/d/e c If you complete for b you will directly get b/c/d/e (the leaf). This is currently experimental because if you want to complete only directories, you won't get b or b/c or b/c/d. Need to think how to solve this. ENVIRONMENT COMPLETE_OPT_CI => bool Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_CI. COMPLETE_OPT_FUZZY => int Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_FUZZY. COMPLETE_OPT_WORD_MODE => bool Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_WORD_MODE. COMPLETE_OPT_MAP_CASE => bool Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_MAP_CASE. COMPLETE_OPT_EXP_IM_PATH => bool Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_EXP_IM_PATH. COMPLETE_OPT_DIG_LEAF => bool Set default for $Complete::Common::OPT_DIG_LEAF. SEE ALSO Complete