SYNOPSIS In your code: use DD; # exports dd() and dmp() ... dd $data; # prints data to STDOUT ... my $foo = dd $data; # prints data to STDOUT, also returns it so $foo gets assigned On the command-line: % perl -MDD -E'...; dd $data; ...' DESCRIPTION DD is a module with a short name you can use for debugging. It provides dd() which dumps data structure to STDOUT, as well as return the original data so you can insert dd in the middle of expressions. DD can use several kinds of backends. The default is Data::Dump which is chosen because it's a mature module and produces visually nice dumps for debugging. You can also use these other backends: * Data::Dumper * Data::Dump::Color Optional dependency. * Data::Dmp Optional dependency. FUNCTIONS dd PACKAGE VARIABLES $BACKEND The backend to use. The default is to use PERL_DD_BACKEND environment variable or "Data::Dump" as the fallback default. ENVIRONMENT PERL_DD_BACKEND Can be used to set the default backend. SEE ALSO XXX - basically the same thing but with a different name and defaults. I happen to use "XXX" to mark todo items in source code, so I prefer DD instead.