SYNOPSIS use Data::Sah::Resolve qw(resolve_schema); my $sch = resolve_schema("int"); # => ["int", []] my $sch = resolve_schema("posint*"); # => ["int", [{min=>1}, {req=>1}] my $sch = resolve_schema([posint => div_by => 3]); # => ["int", {min=>1}, {div_by=>3}] my $sch = resolve_schema(["posint", "merge.delete.min"=>undef, div_by => 3]); # => ["int", {div_by=>3}] DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS resolve_schema([ \%opts, ] $sch) => sch Resolve Sah schema, which means: 1) normalize the schema (unless schema_is_normalized option is true, in which case schema is assumed to be normalized already; 2) check schema's type to see if it's the name of another schema (searched in Sah::Schema:: module); 3) if schema's type is another schema then retrieve the base schema and repeat the process while accumulating/ and/or merging the clause sets; 4) if schema's type is a known builtin type, stop; 5) if schema's type is neither, die. Sah schemas can be defined in terms of other schema. The resolving process follows the base schema recursively until it finds a builtin type as the base. Known options: * schema_is_normalized => bool (default: 0) When set to true, function will skip normalizing schema and assume input schema is normalized. * merge_clause_sets => bool (default: 1) SEE ALSO Sah, Data::Sah