SYNOPSIS use Data::Sah::Terse qw(terse_schema); say terse_schema("int"); # int say terse_schema(["int*", min=>0, max=>10]); # int say terse_schema(["array", {of=>"int"}]); # array[int] say terse_schema(["any*", of=>['int',['array'=>of=>"int"]]]); # int|array[int] DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS None exported by default, but they are exportable. terse_schema($sch[, \%opts]) => str Make a human-readable terse representation of Sah schema. Currently only schema type is shown, all clauses are ignored. Special handling for types array, any and all. This routine is suitable for showing type in a function or CLI help message. Options: * schema_is_normalized => bool TODO Provide more options, e.g. allow showing some clauses (.e.g "int>10"). Show hash as "hash[str=>array]" or just "hash[array]"? Consider that we will allow subschemas in the future, e.g. "hash[filename=>filespec]". Handle '!of' (of.op=not), 'of&' (of.op=and), 'of!' (of.op=or). SEE ALSO Data::Sah::Compiler::human